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The Crucible Abigail A Pathological Liar Essay

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Blaming others for you actions is the immature thing to do, but taking responsibility for your actions is mature and the right thing to do. In The Crucible Arthur Miller creates a dramatic story about a small town in which the only way to get yourself out of trouble is to point the finger. If you were to point your finger and blame someone else it saved your life but also possibly ended someone else's life. In The Crucible Abigail is the one to blame because she is a liar, inconsiderate, and a manipulative young woman. Abigail is not only just a liar she is a pathological liar, and she demonstrates this trait many times throughout the play. When Parris and Abigail are talking in Betty’s room she says,
(Miller 138). This shows us how Abigail is a pathological liar because, Abigail knows she didn’t just dance …show more content…
When Abigail and John are in the woods late one night Abigail begins to flirt and try to get close with John saying, Abigail is being indirectly inconsiderate to Elizabeth. She knows John and her are married and that committing adultery is a big deal in their town, but she ignores that and continues to put pressure on John to forget Elizabeth and love her instead. Due to Abigail's love for John she would go to any measure to be with him causing her to do things that later caused Elizabeth to get arrested and will be later killed. While Abigail and John are behind the shed Abigail says, (Miller 145). Once again Abigail knows that John can not be with her and cheat on his wife, but Abigail still continues to try and pressure him into it, but John sets his foot down and tells her, he would rather cut of his own hand before he reaches for hers again. We are shown here that Abigail is inconsiderate of not only Elizabeth but also John Proctor. Abigail repeatedly trying to get John to cheat on Elizabeth shows us she is inconsiderate of

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