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The Dusk over the Atlantic Wharf


Submitted By stone1234
Words 357
Pages 2

“Dusk over Atlantic Wharf”, written by Susmita Bhattacharya, is about a young woman from India called Lata, and here husband, by arranged marriage, Anuj. They are both born in India, but now they live in a house in Cardiff, Wales in England. Anuj has lived there for six years, and Lata for one year and five months. Lata is not felling familiar in her new town, she misses her home in India, and she and Anuj are trying to make their marriage work.
The story begins when Lata finds the day boring and wants to do something else. Anuj takes her to see a Bollywood-film. While waiting for Anuj to buy the tickets, Lata sees some young girls, dressed different then her self, and she fells like she doesn’t belong.
The Bollywood-film take place in Latas old town in India, and she is completely engrossed the whole movie. But when the movie ends, Lata is brought back to the reality of her new life, and she gets upset.

Analysis (characters, setting, narrator, themes):

Lata: She is i young girl, born in India, who has moved to England, Wales, one year ago, to marry Anuj, by arranged marriage.
She is insecure about her new life with Anuj, in a world that is totally different then the one she was used to.
Lata is a clever girl, but she is very humble towards her husband, because she really wants him to like her. Yet she does not love him, but she is trying.

Anuj: He is also born in India, he moved to England five years ago.
He is a calm and affectionate husband, but he does not really know how Lata is feeling. Maybe because she isn't telling him her thoughts, and maybe because he quite can't figure her out.
Anuj has fully accepted his life in England, and wish for Lata to do the same.


The story takes places in England, Wales. We are in a densely build, middleclass area. Possibly a multicultural area. (Indian restaurant in the neighbourhood).
It’s a dull and gray day, not colourful like her home in India.

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