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The Harn Analysis

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Words 752
Pages 4
Shaye McManaman
The Harn Paper
Art Fundamentals

The entrance walking into the Harn was so soothing. The sound of the water trickling down made it most calming for me. The garden around the water was gorgeous. The symmetry on either side of the bridge from the pavers on bridge to the gardens on either side was so well throughout. The entrance inside was a very open layout with tall plain white walls with sunlight coming in from outside. The light really brightened up the room and made it feel very welcoming. Overall a very calming place to get people in the right mindset to admire the art.

I choose my piece of art from the Contemporary Collection. It had my favorite art pieces throughout the museum in that section. I had difficulty choosing between them but I ended up choosing Women in American Earn 2/3 of what men do. I decided with this piece because of the powerful political message behind the dollar with a dash line on it. I feel strongly about this issue. I believe women and men should be paid equally. No one should get paid less for doing the same job because of their gender. I already knew women made 2/3 of what men did but what I did not know is women artist make 1/3 of what men make which is …show more content…
I liked that it was basic and to the point of what the group was fighting for. Even though it was simple does not mean it is not as effective, it does not have to have a complex meaning behind it. It was straightforward and to the point which I liked. I liked that it had text under the dollar bill explaining what it was representing because without that it could have meant so many different things. I do not like to have to think what art is supposed to mean I’d rather be told it’s meaning and have my own description as well. What I did not like was that it did not have color to it. I think it could have stood out even more and had more of an effect with strong colors. Overall I loved the art

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