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The Homeless Community

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We all need shelter, food, clothing and medical care, but there are other needs to take into consideration, such as personal hygiene, love, support, time and understanding. Therefore, even though it is important to know the needs of a homeless community, defining what they need can be unstable, because it depends on the current situation of people’s expectations. Expectations may oscillate since they are prone to change and people with a higher standard of living, may feel their needs are more than those living in poverty. For instance, people might base homelessness on housing conditions or more bed in a shelter, while others might argue for safer neighbourhood’s base on children need to play safe. According to (Kettner, Moroney & Martin, 2017), the perceived need is defined as what people think they might need or feel …show more content…
When we know the accurate need, we can gauge the demand for quality appropriate services for target areas and provide services, such as food, clothes, housing, education, and health. In addition, policies can be effectively put in place, to assist various program services to the demographic area in need, as well as view the limitations and successes of programs provided during the planning process. To assume the need, may not accurately measure the needs of a community and the approaches wouldn’t truly met people need. (Kettner, Moroney & Martin, 2017), noted when we understand the condition of the population, like who they are, where they live, how moderate, mild or severe the conditions are, we can provide appropriate services to that need and Maslow (1954) stated that the lower level of needs is more essential and need to be satisfied before achieving the higher level of needs. Thus, services can’t be effective if we can’t understand the accurate needs of the

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