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The Invisible Children: The Lord's Resistance Army

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Just because a specific event isn’t happening in the USA, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening at all. The U.S.A. may not be aware, so awareness needs to be raised. So many terrible things are happening in this world that the general population doesn’t even know about, but if people are willing to help raise awareness and help the world to acknowledge what is happening around world then some of the terrible things could cease. If the initi¬ative is taken to help the origination of The Invisible Children then The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) is one step closer to ending and the innocent children are one step closer to being saved.
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is a group of rebel soldiers. Founded in 1987, their purpose at first began as a movement …show more content…
(Pike, 2015) There is three steps the LRA followed for making children into killers. First, they must lose hope of ever being able to return home. Secondly, they must commit the sin of murder. Lastly, through superstition and ritual, their new persona is inflated with its own sense of esteem. (Stor, 2014) The members of the rebel army have committed a numerous amount of crimes. They have raped, abducted, maimed, tortured, and killed innocent people, most of which have not done anything wrong. It was as if the LRA was more of a cult rather than an …show more content…
Until the Invisible children organization began. They have and are doing everything in their power to fight against Joseph Kony. It all started with Jason Russell, an average man who just wanted to help make the world a better place. It all began when Russell traveled to Uganda to find something to make a film about. He then discovered thousands of children who would spend every night sleeping in masse in the streets. The children did this because of their fear of being captured and forced into the LRA. (Cadwalladr, 2013) Upon learning about the children, Russell felt an obligation to assist in any way possible.
So Jason Russell founded Invisible Children, a nonprofit organization. In 2012 he released a thirty minute film that educated the world on Joseph Kony and explained why Kony needs to be captured and brought to justice. The video received a lot of fame, only taking a day to reach a million views. (Baker, 2012) Along with the video, he launched the Kony campaign which went on and took social media by storm. From only a small amount of people knowing about Kony to thousands and thousands of people being made aware. Kony and his wrong doings were brought into the light because of Jason Russell’s choice to take a

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