Free Essay

The Joys of Cheating


Submitted By Crypter
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7Student Contract

1. Attendance – Science is a subject where everyday something new is being taught. If a student is absent, a note must be presented to his/her teacher when the student returns to class. This note must have information i.e. phone number, contact person and reason for absence.

2. Lateness – Lateness will be taken very seriously and will affect a student’s grade. Students are expected to come to class on time. If you come to class late you must sign the late log and provide the reason for your lateness (i.e. late pass)

GRADING POLICY Every student has the right to see how their grade is calculated. In order to discuss individual grade calculations you can set up an appointment during your teacher’s office hours. Your science teacher will explain the grading policy during this meeting. Your child’s grades will also be available for you to view on line through a program called Pupil Path, Your child will receive the instructions and passwords for this within the first week of school.

• Class participation –Class participation covers every aspect of a student’s behavior in the classroom. This includes the questions you ask, the comments you make, the notes you take, completion of class work, notebook check, presenting your reference tables and your prompt arrival to class. Students are expected to remain on task while in class and are accountable for their conduct. Class participation is 20% of your grade

• Homework – Homework assignments must include the student’s name, period, date and the HW#. Every problem assigned must be attempted. Homework must be neat and submitted on a standard loose leaf paper. Sloppy homework will earn no credit. In addition, students must show all their work. You may also submit your homework electronically by sending it as an attachment to the following email: or by Late or Missing Homework: Students have a week to complete homework assignments. Homework is 20% of your grade.

• Quizzes, Exams and Projects – Missed quizzes and exams will be made up at the discretion of the teacher. Cheating on quizzes and/or exams is prohibited. Cheating will result in a failing grade for all parties involved. You may submit your projects electronically by sending them to the following email: or by Tests, Exams, Quizzes and Projects will be 40% of your grade.

• Lab- If you are in a Regents class you are expected to complete 600 minutes of lab per semester. You cannot pass the Lab class if lab is not complete. Lab will take place at least once a week. Makeup labs are done the week that the lab has been assigned. If you miss make up lab you must make arrangements with your teacher to complete your lab. This is at your teacher’s discretion. Lab is 10% of your grade.

• Literacy Task- you are required to complete a long term written assignment that is aligned with the common core. Information regarding this essay will be forthcoming. You may submit your Tasks electronically by sending them to the following email: or by Literacy Task is worth 10% of your final grade.
Course Outline
In the Chart below you will find the units and topics to be covered in the Living Environment 1 course. Each unit will have at least one exam, one quiz and one lab. Dates for exams will be posted on Pupil Path. Exams will normally be given on Fridays.

|Unit 1 |Unit 2 |Unit 4 |
|September |September |October |
|Standard 1 Key Ideas 1, 2, 3 (Unit 1) Scientific |Standard 4 Key Idea 3 and 1 (Unit 2) The Origins of|Standard 4 Key Idea 1 Organization and Patterns in |
|Inquiry (10 periods) |Life |Life (unit 4) (20 periods) |
| | | |
|Scientific Inquiry |Origins of life |Organization/Patterns |
|Problem solving |Similar and Different |Cell structure & Cell membrane |
|The role of scientific inquiry |Living vs. Non-living |Enzymes and Proteins |
|Methods of Science |Chemical Nature of life |Cell Chemistry & Communication |
|Problem-based learning |Formation of first cells from molecules |Photosynthesis |
|Experimental Design |Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes |Respiration |
|Graphing |Cell structure |Diffusion and Osmosis |
|Unit 5 |Unit 5 |Unit 6 |
|November |December |January |
|Standard 4 Key Idea 5 Homeostasis and Immunity | | |
|(unit 5) (25 periods) |Standard 4 Key Idea 5 Homeostasis and Immunity |Standard 4 Key Idea 4 Reproduction and Development |
|Homeostasis and Immunity |Continued. |(25 periods) |
|(25) days | | |
|Body system overview |Immune response |MID YEAR EXAMS |
|Homeostasis and feedback systems |Cell communication | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

Classroom Policy

a) All school rules apply to the classroom. School rules are listed in the NYC DOE Discipline Code. b) Safety is very important especially during lab, please follow Directions and safety rules. c) Arrive to class on time. Late students must sign and date the late log. d) Have all materials and supplies at your desk and be seated when the second bell rings. e) Food and drink (other than water) are not permitted in the classroom. f) Respect the people, equipment, and furniture in the classroom. g) Trash belongs in the trash can. Please keep the room clean. h) Look at the board or SMART board for any do-now or group work assignments. i) Look at the board or SMART board for any Homework assignments. j) All homework assignments and projects as well as grades will be posted on-line Please check Pupilpath regularly. k) Listen for and follow directions as they are given. l) You must raise your hand and be recognized by your teacher before you speak or leave your seat for any reason. m) When leaving the room (other than during a change of period), students must sign and date the bathroom/pass log. Bathrooms are closed the first 10 and last 10 minutes of each period. You should use the bathroom during lunch and gym. n) If you need help with anything and cannot stay after school or after class please email Ms. Wingate either through Pupilpath or the DOE email. o) Ms. Wingate’s DOE Email is and will appear on all handouts and correspondence. p) If you wish to contact the school by phone the number is (718) ______________.

New York State Science Regents Laboratory Requirements Science Laboratory Contract

By successfully completing the NYS mandated Laboratory, students become eligible to sit for the Regents Exam for every Regents Science Class they are enrolled in. In addition, the Regents Science Classes have a tutoring component along with counseling and support services designed to assist students in achieving their academic goals. Regardless of whether or not a student has passed a previous Regents exam if that student is enrolled in the class then he/she is to complete the lab sequence. The Regents exam will also be the final exam for the course. Students are required to take two years of Regents level Science classes with their respective labs as well as complete a year of any other science.

I understand that if I am enrolled in a Science Regents class I must take the Regents Exam. ______Student Initial
I understand that based upon an analysis of my laboratory work I will be eligible to sit for the Regents Exam and that without the required laboratory work I cannot sit for the exam. ______Student Initial

I understand that I need a minimum of twelve hundred minutes of laboratory time in order to take each Regents Exam. Six hundred minutes per semester of Science. ______Student Initial

I understand that I need two Science Regents level classes in order to graduate. ______Student Initial

Please fill out, sign and return this section. Thank you!

Student’s Name (Print) __________________________________________________________________

Student’s Signature ______________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name (Print) ______________________________________________________________

Parent Signature _________________________________________________________________________

Parent Telephone Number: ____________________________Cell: _________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email ____________________________________________________________________
If you have any questions or concerns please use the space provided below..: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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