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The Kite Runner Quote Analysis

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“It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime...” (Hosseini 142). Though out of context, this quote greatly seems to be a recurring theme throughout the story. Amir encounters many dilemmas in his life that influence his actions based on what environment he is in. Based on Amir’s experiences, it can be concluded that society has a large influence on your way of life. Hassan, Amir’s servant, and childhood companion was often mistreated, not only by society but by Amir himself. Amir often mocked, and lashed out at him, refusing to refer to Hassan as a friend, despite his constant loyalty. This made me curious as to why? They spent a lot of time together, they had …show more content…
Rahim Khan explained that “They don’t let you be human.” (Hosseini 173) based on the cruel ways that the Taliban had treated civilians. Amir did keep up with what was happening in Afghanistan, and if I were in his shoes, I would be frightened. Frightened to hear that the country that you were born and raised in had been completely changed in a negative way, and frightened that you had to give in to the militia group that has the most power. Amir had seen how the lifestyles of the Afghani’s had changed, seeing a lot of homeless people, a good amount of which were children. Amir explains it as “like running into an old forgotten friend and seeing life hadn’t been good to him…” (Hosseini 210). Throughout his life, Amir encountered many hardships that affected his life one way or another. Each changed him as a person, affecting his future; his relationship with Hassan made him feel obligated to adopting Sohrab, leaving Afghanistan to go to California made him realize how much he had to lose in Afghanistan, coming back to Afghanistan had changed the way he perceived current life there. Each made him see a new point of view that he had not seen before, opening him up, and making him a better

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