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The Princess Bride


Submitted By kittykitty111
Words 255
Pages 2
Princess Diana: The Life She Led Princess Diana’s life is one that impacted the world in a positive way and that will never be forgotten. Diana Spencer became a British princess and an international icon when she married Prince Charles the son of Queen Elizabeth. Even though her life may have seemed like a fairy tale, Diana had some rough patches in her life that molded her into the beautiful person she turned out to be. Diana was greatly loved by the people and referred to as “the People’s Princess” because of her genuine personality and endless compassion for the less fortunate. Her humanitarian acts were also greatly noticed by the world. Diana, Princess of Wales, led an inspirational life as a paparazzi chased international icon and humanitarian, and greatly influenced the world in all that she did. Born Diana Frances Spencer, she already had her fair share of ties to royalty. On July 1, 1961, Diana became the third daughter of John Spencer and Frances Ruth Burke Roche Spencer. Her father was a descendant of the Stuart kings of England and her mother came from a wealthy family as well. Diana’s grandparents also had the titles of Lady and Lord which Diana would one day receive and even surmount. Diana was born into a privileged British family that had grown exceedingly wealthy from sheep farming. Since they were so well off, Diana’s family often aided the royal family but were not considered a royal family themselves. Diana had two older sisters Sarah and Jane

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