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The Red Line - Noter


Submitted By dani140j
Words 735
Pages 3
The red line fremlæggelse - noter

3 hovedpersoner - fortælleren skifter synsvinkel gennem hele historien.

1. Vi får ikke hans navn, men han er en kikset type = the nameless man.. “He dreamt that one day he might go on television, do his routine and win a big prize, enough money to be able to afford to go to America, maybe even visit where Bob lived.” Tænker meget over hvordan han ser ud: “Twice a day he washed his hair, so that it gleamed like precious metal.” - Hans karaoke bliver udskiftet med en DJ.. :“Why couldn’t people just leave things alone, instead of wanting to change, change, change all the time?” - Afhængig af sit udseende, og af at blive set og få opmærksomhed /Narciscisme: “Desperate, he’d searched for another pub.” - Han tror han er bedre end alle andre (arrogant) = “The pub just filled with up with drunks, drug addicts, girls with dirty hair. He hated these people.” - Ser på Berto på en rascistisk måde (racist) = v“Who the fuck did he think he was, the greasy ape? Look at him. He was just the type who was ruining London”. 2. Berto = italiener som følger gamle traditioner og ikke forstår det moderne samfund. “She’d told him about something called a “trial separation” and an “open relationship”, and even though he looked the words up, he still didn’t understand what they meant.” ————— Er bange for “the modern society”. ——————— Besøger “Cathy” som har et åbent forhold med sin kæreste. ————— Berto gets lost in London, and that is also a symbol of him being lost in the modern society, where everyone is in a hurry, and is laughing at him. = “He hadn’t been able to make himself understood and in the end the man had simply laughed and shook his head.” ---------- 3. Denise = very affected of the modern society … — bange

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