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The Water Cycle


Submitted By anissachambers
Words 1167
Pages 5
The Water Cycle


Anissa Chambers
Student ID: L23254780

Presented to Dr. Travis Bradshaw
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of
Elements of Earth Science
PHSC 210

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary
Lynchburg, VA
July 15, 2013

The Water Cycle or the hydrologic cycle is an amazing system that God has put in place to maintain the of the earth’s most important resource, water. There is nothing on earth that does not require water to survive in some way or fashion and without it there would be no life on earth. You will find water “in the oceans, glaciers, rivers, lakes, air, soil, and living tissue,” and all of these “reservoirs” makes up the Earth’s hydrosphere. As you study this natural system you cannot help but see the hand of a powerful and creative God. The hydrologic cycle is a process that is constantly recycling the Earth’s water supply. This cycle consist of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and then infiltration. The water cycle is powered by solar energy, or controlled by the sun. The sun produces heat which causes the water from the oceans, lakes, rivers etc. to warm and evaporate. This evaporation is when water is heated to the point that it turns into a water vapor. The water vapor rises and cools which is called condensation, and as more and more water vapors cool it forms clouds. As the water droplets that are forming the clouds become larger and larger until the atmosphere cannot hold them up any longer and the fall to the ground as rain, sleet, snow or hail depending on the atmospheric conditions. When the water falls to the ground gravity takes hold and the water seeps into the ground through any crack or crevice that it might find which is called infiltration. If the land is unable to hold it than it flows over the land in rivers, lakes and streams which is called runoff. Much of the water that infiltrates or is

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