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Thesis For The Most Dangerous Game

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The Most Dangerous Game essay In the story “The Most Dangerous Game” (Richard Connell) Rainsford ends up being hunted by General Zaroff. After Rainsford falls off his yacht, on his way to hunt, he takes refuge on Zaroff’s island. As Rainsford is trying to find shelter on the island he sees lights in the jungle and walks toward them. When he finds the source of the lights he knocks on the door of Zaroff’s mansion. Following Rainsford knocking on the heavy door, Ivan answers it without a word, Rainsford is allowed to stay there and get better. Even though Zaroff let Rainsford stay at his mansion and get better he cannot be trusted. In this gruesome story the prey are human beings. “Civilized? And you shoot down men?” (Connell, page 226) Zaroff has been hunting since he was a small child, he started getting to the point where hunting had begun to bore him. So he made a new type of “game”, and his game is …show more content…
Everyone in the world is split up between these two classes, depending on if you’re a nerd or popular. People nowadays are really judgemental and this is the difference between the “hunters” and the “hunted”. In the story, Connell created a gruesome scenario on, what would happen if two “hunters” are put into a situation against each other, and in this way Connell makes this statement true.
In “The Most Dangerous Game” we find out that Zaroff can truly not be trusted. When Rainsford first arrives at the mansion, Zaroff makes him feel uneasy, and unsafe. Even though Rainsford did not know it, he was the hunted from the beginning, Zaroff wanted to hunt him most of all. To conclude all of this, Richard Connell makes the original statement

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