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Thesis On Democratization In Turkey

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Thesis Statement

This thesis analyzes the existing democratization frameworks and the requirements for democratic consolidation in transitional regimes of Turkey since 1950. Liberal democracy is identified as one possible ideal type of democracy within all possible frameworks. However, this thesis considers how the role of the independent judiciary, the rule of law, and the constitution are requirements for democratic consolidation in democratizing countries – yet, they are ultimately cultural constructions of the society in which they are formed. Challenges to judicial independence are also examined. In this regard, civil and political societies, the rule of law, and constitutionalism are interrelated and may produce different results. Furthermore, …show more content…
An independent judiciary maintains the rule of law as a means to prevent the authoritarian tendencies of political actors and the executive branch. The absence of judicial review procedures and the manipulation of the legal system present dangers to the rule of law.
Overall, the historical nature of this thesis allows it to serve as a reference for future studies in the fields of (a) governance theory, (b) process of democratization, and (c) government in Turkey. This is all even truer in light of the significant number of legal changes since 2007.
Maintaining the trust of the public is essential for the functioning of democracy and the judiciary. This relationship has received widespread attention from scholars and has been studied thoroughly. Analyzing the literature in these areas and identifying the dimensions of this relationship is crucial for understanding the democratic consolidation process in …show more content…
Ultimately, every society must choose its ideal forms of governance, and then the most culturally acceptable form of that government will be instantiated. Thus, no matter how precise the rhetoric of politics and government may be, the reality is that forms of government, and specifically forms of democratization, are culturally constructed phenomena.
Chapter Two presents a review of the literature. The focus is on the consensus among scholars regarding the definitions of democratization. Specifically, how does a society know when it has achieved full democratization? On the one hand, there are numerous examples of necessary and sufficient conditions for democratization in the literature. On the other hand, there is no consensus regarding specific definitions or criteria for achieving full democracy in every society. This ultimately supports the hypothesis of this thesis, that all forms of democratization represent culturally constructed

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