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This I Believe About Tr


Submitted By chadbrantley
Words 545
Pages 3
Chad Brantley
This I believe Professional version; TR

Well, I am not a CTRS at this point in my life. I am an ATBCTRS. That being said, my personal view of the field of recreation therapy is that it is a purposeful field that makes this world a better place. Every single day I am in this program I feel like I am exposed to the phrase “improve the quality of life” one way or another. People look down on our program. Let me ask, what does a dentist do? They make your teeth straight! Our occupation deals with rehabilitation in all areas and serves all populations. No one can escape the need of our area of help. There is no way that dentistry is more important and prestigious than TR. People have been conditioned a certain way and deem certain things more important than others. People 1000 years ago saw political figures and great men of war as the heroes of that time. Today, people idolize and see actors and sports figures as the most important figures in our society? Now keep in mind, I am not talking about trends. I am talking about misconceptions. There is a misconception about TR because people do not know what we do or even who we are. I think if I pointed my life towards TR as a career, my goal would be to make people see what I do as very important. I mean, if you don’t believe in something, or the product in which you are selling. Than quit! Stop doing what you were doing and get involved in something else. People passionate about TR and what it does for people are the only people that should be in this field. If you don’t have those thoughts and desires than you better get out, because you will find little satisfaction and wont help many people achieve their quality of life that they are seeking. If you are this person, than take what you do in this field and live for those small moments of grandulous meaning. For CTRS’s, this may be someone thankful for making them believe in there selves again. I think everyone has a function in this life. And we, along with PT and OT, work side by side in achieving the same goal of rehabilitation. We as TRS are not limited like the other fields and are able to extend farther than they ever could because of the range of possibilities we are allowed and these possibilities are only limited to our imagination as practitioners. Our field has great long-term effects that impose on clients. Doctors give life, PT and OT enable actions, and TR gives meaning and improved application of set actions. My thoughts on TR in this paper are very similar to my personal beliefs now that I re-read this segment. I and everyone else needs to stop feeling sorry for our occupation and need to do something about it. I think TR is a field in which we as a group of peers are not standing up together for what we know to be true about our field of professionalism. If we do not stand up for TR, than who will? It’s time to get paid!

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