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Tics in Ele


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The cell phone, the tablet or the computer are typically the last objects in our hands before going to the bed and when we wake up every day, either because we turn on and turn off the alarm, or because we are constantly chatting with friends. Clearly, nowadays technology has a really important and almost indispensable role in the life of young and old, that is why many educational institutions have decided to adopt this tool as a practical and essential resource in teaching various areas, including second language teaching. In this regard, some argue that a) the use of ICT helps both students and teachers to have contact with real contexts of language that is wanted to learn, it also b) increase the interest of students for learning, and c) using it properly, it becomes into a great, complete and nearby source of information. Nevertheless, there are some doubts on this issue that include a) its cost, b) the time it could take learn how to make use of this, and c) if it can become a tool that encourages laziness and avoid the research spirit of students. Therefore, it is necessary to know both positions, advantages and disadvantages of using ICTs for teaching a second language.
The use of technology allows students to be in contact with authentic foreign languages culture. Using internet students can find different web sites like forums, blogs or some social networks in which they could interact with people from others countries, talking about music, religion, food, and other customs. This is a valuable experience not only for students but also for teachers, who are always monitoring the situations. Given and receiving that kind of information, students will get important input like vocabulary, language structures and the use of language.
Ensure the interest of students learning is a hard job; however the use of ICT encourages their attention and concentration. Gordon (2007) claims that combination of different “texts, sounds and pictures can improve receptive language skills or inspire classroom discussion, elicit target language from individual students”. Using technology in the correct way teachers can animate students with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), or those who just need a little stimulus while they find different learning strategies. Moreover, the exchange of cultural information students do allows them to develop some important abilities like listening, writing, speaking and reading.
Internet is one of the most important, complete and closer source of information students and teachers have. This is because it does not exist in the world a more practical and faster tool in the search for information such as the internet, on this you can look for science, mathematics, technology, sports, news, videos, music, video games, or languages; people can find an infinity of information just by typing on the keyboard and without leaving home, job or school. This characteristic makes data collection about different topics wider, deeper and easier nor only for students but also for teachers who can also find different educational information to help their students being more qualified and updated.
Thus, it is clear the great benefits obtained, using technology for education, especially for teaching foreign languages. Nevertheless there are some points that need to be analyzed before and during the implementation of this tool:
The employment of technology in second language classrooms might mean a huge investment of money. It is known all the advantages technology offers us have a cost, this can be borne by the government in the case of public institutions or by parents in the case of private educational institutions. Nonetheless, it must take into account not only the cost of the objects whether computers, tablets, TVs, and other, but also, the costs of its maintenance, the investment for teachers’ training and for other resources like different softwares for learning and internet.
Learn how to manage new technologies and especially make good use of them it could take more time than it is expected. Gordon (2007) declares that students which are unfamiliar with the use of computers or other variety of technology “will need several preparatory sessions to become familiar with word processing software, develop their keyboard and mouse skills and learn some elementary computer terminology “. It is important that teachers expend some time explaining students some important procedures before and during an activity using technology, this could be a little demanding for both teachers and students, furthermore, it takes important class time that can be used in other activities.
The overconsumption of internet can be a problem that encourage laziness and avoid the research spirit of students. Due to the great diversity of topics and materials at the disposal of the students just by typing on the keyboard, everyday is less common find pupils in the libraries reading many big books in order to search information. Nowadays it is only necessary to look for the desired text or book on the Internet and by combining the keys Ctrl + g computer opens a tab on which students can type words or phrases related with the subject they want to know. Students do not need to read the full text, and sometimes they do not even care about paraphrasing, they only copy and paste the information found without appropriate references, an act that can be called plagiarism.

and limited accompaniment from the teachers

can Technology allows teachers to establish a meaningful context for communicative activities and to engage students in authentic and realistic experiences that add excitement to the learning process

Al respecto, hay quienes afirman que el uso de las TIC ayuda tanto a estudiantes como a profesores a estar en contacto con contextos reales de la lengua que se desea aprender, que aumenta el interés de los estudiantes para aprender, y que al usarla de forma adecuada se convierte en una gran y completa fuente de información. No obstante, también existen ciertas dusdas respecto al tema, como su costo, el tiempo que requiere aprender a hacer un buen uso de esta y si puede ésta convertirse en una herramienta que fomente la pereza y evite el ánimo investigativo de los estudiantes. Por lo tanto, es necesario conocer las dos posiciones, ventajas y desventajas del uso de las TICs en la enseñanza de la lengua extranjera.

Technology allows teachers to establish a meaningful context for communicative activities and to engage students in authentic and realistic experiences that add excitement to the learning process
Combination of different sound and pictures can improve receptive language skills or inspire classroom discussion, elicit target language from individual students.
In summary, then, the advantages of using new technologies in the language classroom can only be interpreted in light of the changing goals of language education and the changing conditions in postindustrial society. Language educators now seek not only (or even principally) to teach students the rules of grammar, but rather to help them gain apprenticeship into new discourse communities. This is accomplished through creating opportunities for authentic and meaningful interaction both within and outside the classroom, and providing students the tools for their own social, cultural, and linguistic exploration. The computer is a powerful tool for this process as it allows students access to online environments of international communication
Knowledge of teachers
Problem of availability: No audio, video, computer equipment and/or Internet.
Students with not previous expousure to computers will need several preparatory sessions to become familiar with word prossecing software, develop their keyboard and mouse skills and learn some elementary computer terminology

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Words: 5186 - Pages: 21

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...Chapter 1 – Introduction to Data Communications Th is is th e b egin n in g of a cu m u la tive ca s e s tu d y a b ou t a fictit iou s fir m we ca ll Next-Da y Air S er vice (NDAS ). Th e ca s e s t u d y b egin s h er e in Ch a p ter 1 a n d con tin u es th r ou gh ou t th e r es t of th e b ook . It r equ ir es you to com p lete ta s k s th a t a r e r ela ted to top ics cover ed in ea ch cor r es p on d in g ch a p ter of th e text. Th e en d of ea ch ch a p ter con ta in s th e ca s e n a r r a tive, r ela ted figu r es , a n d a s et of qu es tion s a n d p r ob lem s . Th es e d o n ot h a ve on e u n iqu e s olu t ion . Th er e a r e too m a n y a lter n a tives wh en d ea lin g with LANs , WANs , MANs , BNs , a n d th e In ter n et, s o a r ea lis t ic n etwor k d es ign a n d d evelop m en t p rob lem ca n h a ve s evera l wor k a b le a n s wer s . As with a n y r ea l-life p r ob lem with a m b igu ities or u n r es olved con s id er a tion s , you m u s t m a k e you r own a s s u m p tion s . Feel fr ee to r ea d a h ea d or u s e th e in d ex to fin d r ela ted s u b jects th a t s u p p or t you r r ecom m en d a tion s . You r in s tr u ctor m a y p r ovid e a d d ition a l gu id elin es r ega r d in g r ep or t for m a ts , Web a n d lib r a ry r es ou r ces , k ey a s s u m p tion s , a n d th e lik e for th e va r iou s qu es tion s a n d p r ob lem s p r es en ted in th is ca s e s tu d y. Be s u r e to p r ovid e a d equ a te ju s tifica t ion...

Words: 5186 - Pages: 21

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Case Study

...Keele St. Huntington Rd. Ave. Weston R d. Kipling Av e. Pine Valle y nc Woo drive h D Rd. Kersey McCowan Rd. Cook Na p Kennedy Rd. Keele Weston Ve llore Gdns. Brodie Dr. 10 10 Rutherford Rd. 13 85A 10 Rutherford Rd. 85A 85A Fincham Ave. 85A,B 63 360 Rutherford 85+ Rd. Rutherford 107B 86 105 Rutherford 85+ 105 86 R 23 non-Rush 23 86 86 88E 85+ Rd. d. Springh Hillcrest Carrville Rd. Mall 11 Maple Av e. Stone Mason Dr. 85,B Yonge St . hattan Man Avenu e Clarence St. Pearson Ave. Unionville asant Rid ge Av. k ee W. Be ave r Cr Bayview Buc Allstate Pkwy. Dufferin Point Dr. Hunter's Isling ton Ave. East Valhalla Dr. Frontenac Ple E. Nor th R ivermed e Rd. Morning Sta rD 15 23+ 23+ 12 14 23+ Eagle Edgeley Bl vd. Millway Ave. Rd. Forest Dr. Chate laine Dr. Jane Creditston e Ave. Weston Warden McCowan Rd. Pr ofe ss ors La ke Pk wy. Keele Pine Valle y Dr. Whitmore Rd. Grove R d. Atkinson i nster Yonge St . Hood Rd. Ave. Hend erso n Ave. Martin Ne w Bayview Dr St . Peter Kaiser Gt. Win Mountcastle Gt. term ute Blvd Birc . hm Rd. 32 ms illia W y. Pkw 19 19 92 al ntr Ce Par k Founders Blvd. Cr. le 12 Hillda Rossdean Petrolia Claire Ave. Rd. Hull Dr. Signet ...

Words: 9349 - Pages: 38

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Fontes Tcc

...funcionamento da sociedade, mas exigindo de todos um contínuo esforço de adaptação às novas possibilidades. Esta também tem sido a tônica no campo específico da produção de trabalhos acadêmicos, onde aparecem novos recursos, como base de dados, portais de publicações científicas, disponibilização de trabalhos na Internet para crítica e interação entre pesquisadores etc. No caso da Unifacs temos procurado acompanhar estas novas possibilidades na produção de trabalhos acadêmicos. Para isso o nosso Sistema de Bibliotecas possui um grande acervo de material de orientação para trabalhos acadêmicos, sejam trabalhos de conclusão de cursos no caso da graduação, sejam dissertações ou teses no caso dos programas stricto sensu. Entre eles há materiais produzidos por nós ou apoiados por nós. A eles vem se juntar agora o Manual de Normalização para Apresentação de Trabalhos Acadêmicos, fruto da experiência e do trabalho colaborativo de um grupo de bibliotecárias da Universidade, sob a coordenação da...

Words: 17408 - Pages: 70