Premium Essay

To Finish or Quit


Submitted By shannin421
Words 1063
Pages 5
English 111
Kennedy, Cecilia
Proposal Paper
October 27, 2010

To Finish or Quit?
High School dropouts represent an important problem that affects thousands of students each year. Roughly one third of all students will drop out of high school without having received their diplomas. According to The National Center for Education Statistics, "only 86% of the class of 1998 graduated." Many students today choose to graduate from high school and continue their education further whether it is technical training or a more formal degree. Why is it that 14% of high school students do not graduate? There are various plausible explanations that could alter a student from completing high school. Some examples for not graduating could include pregnancy, poor influences, no friends, poor grades, or simply lacking the motivation to finish.
Dropping out of school is not only an educational problem but a significant social problem as well. Indeed, it has obvious psychological, economical, and social ramifications. For example, dropouts may undergo a loss of self-esteem and turn to drugs or become a financial burden to society. Nearly every student struggles with meeting their personal goals pertaining to grades. Some students may strive for all A's while others struggle to complete an assignment. Students who are struggling to receive credit may find it easier to quit. For some, this option may be less embarrassing than trying to graduate and fall short and not being able to 'walk the stage' with their graduating class. Poor grades could also leave a student ineligible for extracurricular activities such as sports. "Almost 5% of high school students nationwide dropped out of school between October 2003 and October 2004, while approximately 75% of students who enrolled in grade 9 in 2000 graduated with a high school diploma in 2004" (Laird, DeBell, and Chapman,

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