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To Not Cheat Research Paper

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To Cheat Or To Not Cheat
Cheating is an unethical action many battle to avoid on a day-to-day basis, in order to preserve the innocence within. Some may argue that cheating is inevitable, especially in college and corporate world. It is something that should be faced head on to avoid further temptations producing a path of lying and cheating. If the desires are brought to immediate attention, will the answers to the temptations be more acceptable if the final results reveal actions of immorality? Or will the identity of cheating cause the individuals, especially college students, to be viewed as an unethical human being living a life of immoral activity. Within this paper, one will discuss the existence of cheating and corporate adults and …show more content…
The puzzling truth behind the personal gain, is trying to determine at what cost would the gain be received or viewed as a successful advancement or a dishonest action worn like a pair of shoes. The current research study revolved around a study of 2500 people who had an option to achieve a personal gain by honest actions or indulge in the life of cheating to gain those benefits much faster and easier. "How people resolve these want/should conflicts will depend in part on how strong the motivating force of temptation is relative to the inhibitory force of moral obligation" (Effron, Bryan, & Murnighan, 2015, p. 395). The misunderstanding of cheating, is many believe cheating only consist of stealing answers to a test, or starting a race before others, but unfortunately cheating is used and formatted in so many other ways, including using drugs to assist with the pressures of college. Should ones decision to cheat or not cheat be merely based upon the revelations of society, ones parents, or should the outcome be determined by ones moral personal …show more content…
Personally the parent child bond at times can created excuses and contradictions to what was taught by ones parents as a child. For example, as mentioned earlier, children are taught to always be honest and cheating will not be of benefit, but those exact parents can belittle a child to a degree that results to low self-esteem, consequently making him/her feel cheating would be the only way out of a situation. Consequently, most college students resort to drug usage as a way to deal with an trying situation. Masking the pain with drugs, is a form of cheating. The drug allows an individual to operate in a manner he/she would normally not be able to, for example, athletics taking a steroid medication. The conflict that creates a problem is the ability of the parent to assist his/her child in deciphering between what is considered cheating and what is not. When the use of drugs (steroids, cocaine, marijuana, etc.) come into play, parents automatically become the judge and juror and resort to the famous words of ethics and immorality. Thus, during the discussion of cheating and lying, drugs was not apart of the conversation. For example, in study 1 and 2 cheating was deemed to be acceptable because it was not directly harming anyone, and the current study was generated for the selected parties to make money, so why not use a lie to benefit the

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