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To Stay or to Leave


Submitted By christineamargo1
Words 2483
Pages 10
To Stay or to Leave?
Christine Amargo
SOC 120 Intro to Ethics and Social Responsibility
Denise Antoon
April 21, 2014

In the United States of America, we face many different ethical problems each and every day. Some of the ethical problems that we have to deal with are hunger, war, poverty, crime, and terrorism, but the biggest ethical issue the United States has to deal ethical with is immigration. There are many issues dealing with immigrations, such as immigration laws. Many questions come up about this topic in today's society, like how do we stop immigration or do we even stop it? Not all immigrants are bad some are useful to the United States; we have to remember that the first people in America were immigrants. We do not have the right to deport others back to their native land.
Many people from different countries try so hard to get to United States looking for a better life. There are many reasons why immigrants migrate to different countries, especially the United States of America home of the free. Some reasons are employment opportunities or careers that are not available in their native land, improved quality of life, and refuge from war. Most immigrants focus on making sure their children have a better life they had; those people show the theory of utilitarianism. "Utilitarianism argues that, given a set of choices, the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number affected by that choice" (Mosser, 1.6). These immigrants are choosing the choice that would be best for their children who can have a better life in America. According to New York Times author Julia Preston there are about "11.7 million immigrants living in the United States illegally..."(Number of Illegal Immigrants, Para 1), with all these immigrants living in the United States illegally does the leader of our country have the right to send back

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