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Toxins Involved In Ciguatera Poisoning

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Toxins involved in ciguatera poisoning are produced by a variety of dinoflagellates, which microscopic organisms live in the tropical and subtropical waters and adhere to coral, seaweed and algae. The major dinoflagellates including Gambierdiscus toxicus, Prorocentrum sp, P. lima, P. concavum, etc (Camacho et al., 2007). Ciguatoxin is the principal toxin of ciguatera poisoning and is a colorless, tasteless, and lipid-soluble compound. Ciguatoxin is heat-resistant and can not be destroyed by cooking. Maitotoxin, scaritoxin and several other secondary toxins often coexist with ciguatoxin in dinoflagellates and responsible for ciguatera poisoning (Kumar-Roine et al., 2011). Herbivorous fish do not contain these toxins until they consume these

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