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Submitted By umesh501
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Ways to develop counter narratives against revisionists and activists who are attempting to rewrite the history of Singapore and Malaysia in order to downplay the Communist threat and violence.

The Malayan Communist party originated as an overseas branch of the Chinese Communist party in Malaysia in 1925. In 1930 a Vietnamese communist known by the name of Ho Chi Minh directed the Malaysian Communist Party to become an independent organization. He attempted to completely change the way the organization was run- it originally was only beneficial to a Chinese communist movement. His ideals were a party that represented not only the Chinese but the Malayans and Indians creating a more multiracial party. However, the idea was never completely recognized by all and he was arrested in 1930. In 1941, when the Japanese invaded Malaysia, it became an opportunity for the party to not only build up strength in numbers but also in popularity, especially by the Chinese who were receiving the most of the Japanese hostility in the war.
Among the measures taken were the declaration of emergency, enlarging the security force, the Briggs Plan, military steps, psychological warfare (the Templer Plan), and through the declaration of amnesty.
In February 1963, the Singapore and Malaysian police forces organized a joint operation that resulted in the arrest of 111 suspected communists in the two countries. This large-scale police action targeted suspected CPM members in Singapore and successfully destroyed the party's underground political organization in Singapore. In 1989 there were no reports of the CPM's having re-established a base of operations in the country. However there are revisionists and activists who are attempting to rewrite the history of Singapore and Malaysia in order to downplay the Communist threat and violence. Few measurements are identified to develop counter narratives against them:

Identify the Leaders
Identify the leaders and followers of the groups that attempting to downplay the Communist treat and monitor them closely. Monitor the Communist Returnees and identify what are their current activities.
Source of funding
Identify the source of funding for this groups to conduct their activities and investigate if there is International supports.
What are the activities are done to rewrite the history and what are the effects.
Use Cyber troopers
Activities which are done thru social media can be prevent by using cyber troopers to block their Blogs, Facebook etc.
Target Group
What are the target groups and age group are targeted by this groups should be identified to prevent it from the core.
Enhance the Law
Use Sedition Act to prevent this groups from conduct their activities that might affect national security.
SPU/ Turnover
Brainwash the Communist followers to work along with the current government.
NGO Involved
Identify the NGO’s involved in attempting to rewrite the history of Singapore and Malaysia and suspend their licence if the activities conducted are against the Law and downplay Communist threat.
Talks / Awareness Campaign
Bring in Individuals that has experience in combating Communism to give speech about the effect of Communist to the Nation and casualties which were suffered.

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