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Tube Feeding Prolonging Life


Submitted By agandt28
Words 2291
Pages 10
This paper is written to discuss the ethical dilemma we come across when asking our self whether or not we should place a tube feeding in a patient with a history Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Will this prolong the patients’ life or just the inevitable death? Most often a decision needs to be made regarding the placement of a tube feeding. The question is not initiated by the patient themselves. This is the reason why educating our patients are so important. In this paper I will discuss how important the role of the healthcare professional plays in advocating for a patient. To help answer this ethical dilemma several issues will be explored. I will focus on the seven principles of ethics, education, utilitarianism, top-down theory alternate treatment options.

Will Tube Feedings Prolong Life?
While working with the majority of geriatric population, we frequently come across patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The most common problem in these patients is the inability to swallow as well as the patients are failure to thrive. Many healthcare workers and family members become upset when the patient does not have proper nutritional intake. As human beings it is our nature to take care of our loved ones when they are ill, this is our ways of showing love and affection tore’s each other. We often question the situation regarding the need for artificial feeding. Care givers have misconceptions if we provide artificial nutrition it will help prolong their love one’s life. Further need for education is need to help ease in the decision making.
There are many complications we come across when thinking about placing a feeding tube in our love ones. Further explanation needs to be addressed to patients and family members prior to their decision. Over the years families have receive education from the gastroenterologist regarding the function and placement of a feeding tube. Education is provided on the potential adverse reaction of the tube placement. Some side effects are uncontrolled diarrhea and aspiration. One of the greatest complications I have come across is when a confused patient who continuously attempts to remove the PEG tube out. We can prevent this from happening by placing an abdominal binder, hand mitts or providing a safety 1:1. With the additional restraints this may causes increase discomfort, and confusion to the patient, and will cause further problems. The decision by the family could have been different if they were provided with better educated regarding the complication of PEG tube placement.
I think that the health care providers thought process is if they provided artificial nutrition to their love ones it will help increase the life expectance. Smith (2011) believes that in the early stages of dementia it is typical to have some issues with swallowing but as Dementia progresses eating disorders are prevalent. As Riet, Higgins, Good and Sneesby(2009) states “the decision to withdraw life support, such as mechanical ventilation or with draw medication appears to be more palatable than the idea of withdrawing nutrition and hydration at the end of life”(p 2105).

Education According to Sorrell (2010), there is increasing evidence that placing feeding tubes in patient with end stage dementia or Alzheimer’s does not increase the patient’s survival rate nor will it improve clinical outcomes. Starting a patient on an enteral feeding tube may not benefit the patient. The care giver may feel that without this option it would cause their loved one to starve. That is why it is so important to education the family members and provided them with most updated information.
Doctors often encourage the idea of a PEG or other available routes of feeding tubes. This is suggested when the patient has failed there swallow evaluation or has a history of aspiration pneumonia. According to Vital (2006) these reasons are not evidence based and may reveal discrepancies among healthcare professionals and their knowledge of advanced Dementia disease. Vital et. Al. (2006) also suggests that physicians may need improved education with regards to end stage dementia because they apparently lack understanding about the risks and benefits of artificial feeding. Taking this all into debate, development of knowledge is crucial aspect in maintaining and providing good care in an end of life process.

Principles of Ethics
If a patient has comorbidity such as Alzheimer’s disease, it is important that a healthcare proxy is designated. A healthcare proxy should be appointed when the patient is still has decision making capabilities. This is performed to help make medical decisions for the patient when they are unable to do so themselves.
Autonomy refers to an individual’s right to self- rule or governs one’s self (Beauchamp Childress, 2009). Autonomy is refer to the individual right to make his or her own decision regarding their health care needs. This is respected in the health care setting.
Without a living will or healthcare proxy autonomy can be challenging. In the absence of a living will a healthcare proxy may be challenged with ethical issues such as beneficence which means to take action toward helping others by either preventing harm or by removing harm and promoting good (Beauchamp Childress, 2009). This is to secure protection of autonomy in our patients must include the ethical standards of nonmaleficence and contribution to our beliefs.
When applying the ethical standards of accuracy, think about sincerity and honesty with the patients, family members and caregivers. According to Beauchamp Childress (2009), the obligation of veracity has traditionally been ignored by the Code of Medical Ethics. However, the Medical Ethics Committee and American Medical Association (AMA) after consideration now recommended that physicians should be honest and open their patients (Beauchamp Childress, 2009). The physicians practiced the standards of sincerity when the patient is first diagnosis with new onset dementia. This allows the family and patient to have a better understanding regarding the treatment plan and disease process. The physicians are obligations to their patients and families, in which they should speak in privacy and confidentiality. When the patients walks into a hospital, Doctor Office or any health care setting, they loss a level of privacy when disclosing parts of their private life for the advantage of care. According to Beauchamp and Childress (2009),”the basic difference between privacy and confidentiality is this: An infringement of a person’s rights to confidentiality occurs only if the person to whom the information was disclosed in confidence fails to protect the information or deliberately discloses it to someone without first-party consent (p.302-303). The doctor has a commitment to provide and maintain privacy and confidence during the patient’s medical treatment and diagnostic test. The patient may feel betrayed if medical information is communicated without patient or health care proxy consent.
Beauchamp & Childress (2012) define the ethical principle of justice as the fair, unbiased and suitable treatment for the individual person. Due to the disease the Alzheimer’s a patient, they are more at risk for physical mental, verbal abuse. This is caused by the increase stress level the care givers may be experiencing. The Patient will be provided safety if the ethical standards of justice were is applied in the patient’s everyday care. The last standard I will discuss is fidelity. Fidelity is an important part in the patient/nurse relationship. According to Beauchamp and Childress (2009),” once a significant relationship is established, the abandonment of the patient is a breach of fidelity and basically amounts to disloyalty to the patient (p 311).
When providing these standards of ethics in direct patient care, this will provided families with challenging decisions regarding medical treatment with the chance of withholding nutrition. Challenging decision such as these would be hard to even consider without the help and continuing support of the health care team. Holmes (2011) states food is often the center of many family gatherings and represents health, strength and love. According to Sorrell (2010), it is the role of healthcare professionals to identify practices that help patients and their families gather information to make informed choices and respect their end of life rights.
According to McCabe (2007), utilitarian’s believe in the autonomous choice of individual’s. They believe nurses are the patients advocate and are there to support and guided the family with end of life decisions. Hanssen and Alpers (2010) believes that “nurses must often prioritize their care based on utilitarian judgment’s: whose need is greater or which situation is more critical” (p.202). When implementing the utilitarianism theory ethical dilemma will inserting a tube feeding to unnecessarily prolonging the life of an Alzheimer’s patient. You need to ask yourself will this help and who will really benefit from this treatment.
Treatment Alternatives
Care givers and health care proxy are torn by the need to decide whether or not the patient will benefit from artificial nutrition. Further education may be provided regarding alters means treatments. The palliative care team will provide necessary helpful material in all treatment options that could help make the family the decision much eaiser. Holmes (2011) explains that palliative care which is designed to alleviate symptoms for patients and their families who are forced with a life threating illness.
The Family members may have much concern regarding their loved one not eating. When this is concern is expressed, I suggest what is called comfort feeds. Comfort feeds will satisfy the patients need to eat and relieve the family members. Comfort feeds can still provide a major concern. The palliative team should provide education to the care giver regarding the risk versus benefits of comfort feeds. Aspiration will most likely occur with result in death.

Alternative Treatments Palliative care will assist you from the diagnosis of new onset of dementia and Alzheimer. They will provide the care giver with information regarding disease process and help guide the care givers and family members in the end of life stage where decisions can often become stressful to the caregiver. Patients are often educated in the early stages so they are familiar with the disease process and are able implement end of life wishes. Palliative care is a part of the therapeutic model; this model addresses advanced directives which help easier for the patient and family members. Holmes (2011) suggests that patients, families and healthcare providers should have frequent and open conversations in the early stages about nutritional goals, avoid waiting because the patient should be able to make his or her wishes known.
Top- Down Model
According to Beauchamp& Childress (2009), The top –down model says” we reach justified moral judgments through a structure of normative precepts that cover judgments” (p.369) With the theory in mind, the predicament of whether or not to place artificial nutrition should be initiated in a patient with dementia. This would be seen as morally unethical. It has been proven that the use of artificial nutrition neither prolongs of improves the patient’s life. If the patient health care provided decides to insert a feeding tube. The patient will continue to have frequent problems such as dehydration and malnutrition. When applying the top-down theory to this ethical dilemma.
When coming across an ethical dilemma such as this one, family members and care givers in this situation become very stress and unsure. The ethical dilemma discussed in this paper, whether or not a tube feeding should be placed and artificial nutrition given to dementia patients. The caregivers educated on artificial nutrition, will not prolong the life expectancy of the dementia patient. I feel it is important for the palliative care team to assist with the care giver, decision and follow this patient early in the diagnosis. This will help aid in the family and care givers decision process and plan of care. This will help decrease stress place on the caregiver when having to make medical decisions. The goal is for the medical team to advocate for our patients and for the best possible care.

Beauchamp, T. L., & Childress, J. F. (2009). Principles of biomedical ethics. (6th ed.).
New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Hanssen, I., & Alpers, L.M. (2010). Utilitarian and common sense morality discussion in Intercultural nursing practice. Nursing Ethics, 17(2), 201-211. Retrieved from Holmes, S. (2011). Importance of nutrition in palliative care of patients with chronic disease. Primary Health Care, 21(6), 31-39. Retrieved from McCabe, H. (2007). Nursing involvement in euthanasia: How sound is the philosophical support? Nursing Philosophy, 8(3) 167-175. Retrieved from Riet, P., Higgins, I., Good, P., & Sneesby, L. (2009). A discourse analysis of difficult clinical situations in relation to nutrition and hydration during end of life care. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 18(14), 2104-2111. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2008.02760.x
Smith, A. (2011). A brief overview of dietetic issues for people with late stage dementia. British Journal of Community Nursing,16, S6-S12. Retrieved from Sorrell, J. (2010). Use of feeding tubes in patients with advanced dementia: Are we doing harm? Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 48(5), 15-18. doi:10.3928/02793695-20100331-02 Vitale, C., Hiner, T., Ury, W., Berkman, C., & Ahronheim, J. (2006). Tube feeding in advanced Dementia: An exploratory survey of physician knowledge. Care Management Journals, 7(2), 79-85. Retrieved from

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...Should euthanasia be an option for people in need? Known as the practice of assisted suicide by intentionally ending a life, euthanasia is a controversial and disputed subject, meaning easy or good death. Euthanasia’s medical definition is defined as the act or practice of killing terribly sick or injured people in a painless way or allowing them to take less than the medically approved procedures necessary to lengthen their life, for reasons of mercy. (Death Talk, pg. 101-102) Considered by many to be a form of murder being morally and ethically wrong by devaluing one’s life, euthanasia can serve a purpose. When there are no other alternatives to relieve suffering patients, they should then be allowed to have opportunity to choose euthanasia as an option. There are different variations of euthanasia known as passive, active, physician assisted and non-voluntary. Passive euthanasia is withdrawing life-sustaining treatments or withholding them with the slow intention of causing the patient’s death. In other words, a doctor can disconnect feeding tubes; turn off life support machines, not performing life-prolonging procedures, or not giving drugs to the patient. (Euthanasia: A Reference Handbook, pg. 2) Active euthanasia is the act of taking particular measures to cause the patient’s death, achieved by the request of the patient. Often times when it comes to active euthanasia, it is done by request. (Euthanasia: A reference Handbook, pg. 2) The difference between passive and...

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