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Submitted By ShaBrew
Words 559
Pages 3
An Inspiring Story About an
African Tradition of Teamwork and Collaboration
By Dr. Bob Nelson and Dr. Stephen Lundin

In Ubuntu!, the authors share the story of John Peterson, a new manager in the credit department at a major bigbox retailer, who is struggling in his job. The people under him are not working as well or effectively as they need to, and his department is falling behind in meeting its goals. His only solution is to take on more work himself, burning the midnight oil and coming in most weekends to pick up the slack and keep his department above water. When one of the employees stays behind to help him—a young man who came to America from a small village in Africa—he learns of the ancient wisdom and hidden power of the African philosophy of Ubuntu (the philosophy that considers the success of the group above that of the individual). Before long, it begins to change the way he thinks about the people he works with, about himself, and about how he runs his department and his life. Through the telling of John’s story, the authors reveal the core elements of the African philosophy of Ubuntu, as well as uncover its business applications that any manager or professional can apply. By the end of the story John has not only turned his department around with Ubuntu but the bigbox retailer has taken on the philosophy of Ubuntu as a corporate way of life.

OB applies to Ubuntu in that they both focus on the individual, group and organization. The book and Ubuntu examines organizations as a whole, how they are structured and operate in the environments, and the effects of their operations on all levels. Just as Organizational Behavior seeks to improve organizational effectiveness and the quality of life at work, Ubuntu has the power to reshape the workplace, relationships with our co-workers and in our personal lives. Just as OB seeks to improve organization justice, the philosophy of Ubuntu seeks to promote equality in the workplace. Managers should present procedures in a dignified and respectful way. The three key points about motivation (arousal, direction and maintaining) are part of the philosophy of Ubuntu. Ubuntu describes how motivated employees help improve companies performance. John’s department suffered due to employee motivation. Once the philosophy of Ubuntu was put to play, his department began to change. Not only did his department’s performance and quality of work increase, his relationship with his employees also was enhanced.

I loved the book! Ubuntu was a quick read but very informative. It’s a motivational book and I found myself thinking how can I work Ubuntu into my work life. It’s a book I would give to a new manager as it looks at what happens to the super employee that is made a manager with absolutely no training or the skills to be a manager. Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and even successful sports teams—Doc Rivers and the Boston Celtics credit Ubuntu for their 2008 national championship win. What do great leaders have in common? They live by principles that are espoused in Ubuntu! The teachings in Ubuntu! cannot only help us improve relationships with others, these teachings can help us make peace with ourselves and be proud of the way we are living our lives.

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Easy Way of Learning Ubuntu in Bangla

...1 ঳঴জ উফুন্টু শ঱ক্ষা যচনা: অদনান কাআয়ু ভ। আ-মভআর:,,,,, ঑য়য়ফ঳াআট: ঳ম্পাদনা: মযজ঑য়ানু য য঴ভান ঩ান্থ। আ-মভআর: প্রথভ প্রকা঱: ঄য়টাফয, ২০১২। ঳ংয়঱াশধত শিতীয় প্রকা঱: শিয়঳ম্বয, ২০১২। ফআশট ঳ম্পূর্ণ শফনাভূ য়রে িাউনয়রাি ঑ ম঱য়ায কযা মায়ফ। তয়ফ, মরখয়কয ঄নু ভশত ফোতীত অংশ঱ক ফা ঩ূ র্ণ ভুদ্রন কযা মায়ফ না ফা ভুদ্রন কয়য শফক্রয় কযা মায়ফ না। 2 শকছু কথা শরনাক্স শনয়য় অগ্র঴ শছর ঄য়নক শদন ধয়য। শকন্তু, শরনাক্স কী, মকন ফা কীবায়ফ ফোফ঴ায কযফ শকছুআ জানতাভ না। একশদন অদনান বাআয়য়য ঑য়য়ফ঳াআটটা অশফষ্কায কশয। উফুন্টু শনয়য় ঳ু ন্দয একটা ভোনু য়ার ম঳খায়ন ঩াআ। ফাংরায় এত ঳঴জ অয প্রাঞ্জর শটউটশযয়ার অশভ অয মদশখশন। শটউয়টাশযয়ারগুয়রা ঩ড়ায ঩য অভায ভাথায় একটা অআশিয়া অয়঳। ম঳টা ঴র, ঄নরাআয়ন ঳ফায ঩য়ক্ষ শটউটশযয়ারগুয়রা ঩ড়া ঳ম্ভফ নয়। মশদ঑, ম঩জগুয়রা ম঳ব কয়য ঄পরাআয়ন ঩ড়া ঳ম্ভফ, শকন্তু এতগুয়রা ম঩জ ম঳ব কযা ঄য়নয়কয কায়ছআ শফযশিকয ভয়ন ঴য়ত ঩ায়য। তাআ, এআ শটউটশযয়ারগুয়রা একশিত কয়য মশদ একটা শ঩শিএপ ফআ ততশয কযা ঴য় তা঴য়র ম঳টাআ ঄য়নক বার ঴য়ফ। ফআ ততশযয ঄নু ভশত চাআয়তআ অদনা ন বাআ ঳ানয়ন্দ যাশজ ঴য়য় মান। প্রকাশ঱ত ঴য় উফুন্টু শনয়য় প্রথভ ফাংরা আফুক ‗঳঴জ উফুন্টু শ঱ক্ষা‘। প্রশত ছয় ভা঳ ঩য ঩য উফুন্টুয নতু ন বা঱ণন মফয ঴য়। তাআ, মকফরভাি ‗রং টাভণ ঳ায়঩াটণ‘ ফা এরশটএ঳ শযশরজগুয়রায ঑঩য শবশি কয়য মরখাগুয়রা মরখা ঴য়য়য়ছ। এরশটএ঳ শযশরজগুয়রা প্রশত দু’ফছয ঩য ঩য মফয ঴য় ঴য় এফং এগুয়রা মিস্কটয়঩ ৩ ফছয ঑ ঳াবণায়য ৫ ফছয ঳ায়঩াটণ ঩ায়। ফতণভায়ন মম এরশটএ঳ শযশরজশট এখায়ন ফোফ঴ায কযা ঴য়য়য়ছ ম঳শট ঴য়ে উফুন্টু...

Words: 27483 - Pages: 110