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Unbroken Literary Analysis

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There are miraculous things that happen every day in people's lives, and they try to explain what happened. Some say it is luck, but others think that it is the hand of God intervening in a person's life. The same thing can be said for Louis Zamperini and his life as written in the book Unbroken. Even though Louis did not know the hand of God was at work in his life there is evidence throughout Unbroken that suggests otherwise. Louis was stationed in Hawaii at a naval base in Oahu during WW11. At the base he was assigned to the plane nicknamed “The Green Hornet”. The crew went out on a reconnaissance mission to find another plane that was downed over the Pacific ocean. While on the mission one of the engines of the Green hornet failed and …show more content…
Cynthia, Louis’ wife bought a ticket and went to hear him speak. After he spoke she changed her mind about divorcing Louis, and decided to stay with him. She wanted Louis to attend one of Billy Graham's sermons and after a while constant bugging and asking she convinced him to go. Louis loved it and went to several of them and left during the prayers Because it was to much for him. On one occasion Louis stayed and listened to the prayer at the end of the sermon, and he remembered the promise that he made to God when he was on the raft. After this he talked to Billy and accepted God into his heart. Shortly after, Louis was able to get over all of the problems in his life, and he was even able to forgive all the men who wronged him in the camps. It was not a coincidence that Billy Graham came to speak at the very time that Louis needed saving in his life. It was the work of the Hand of God that brought Billy Graham near to Louis, and used his wife Cynthia to get him to go so he would remember his promise to God. God used all the events in Louie’s life so that he could take God into his heart, and live out the plan that God had in store for

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