Premium Essay

University of Phoneix Stages of Critical Thinking


Submitted By herbin103
Words 868
Pages 4
Associate Level Material

Stages of Critical Thinking

Stages of Critical Thinking

Complete the matrix by identifying the six stages of critical thinking, describing how to move from each stage to the next, and listing obstacles you may face as you move to the next stage of critical thinking.

|Stages of critical thinking |How to move to the next stage |Obstacles to moving to the next stage |
|EXAMPLE: |Examine my thinking to identify problems |Deceiving myself about the effectiveness of|
| |that affect my thinking. |my thinking |
|The Unreflective Thinker | | |
|The Challenged Thinker |Force yourself to become aware of problems |Realizing that I have a problem and may not|
| |that may affect your thinking |be as good as I think I am and develop |
| | |awareness. |
|The Beginning Thinker |Improve thinking but without practice. |Be aware of situations that require me to |
| | |use critical thinking. |
|The Practicing Thinker |When you realize the necessity of |The more practice I have with thinking the |
| |practicing thinking. |better I will become. |
|The Advanced Thinker |When you have the ability to realize |Helping myself to

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