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Use of Social Media to Improve Company Marketing


Submitted By bababoey480
Words 669
Pages 3
Use of Social Media to Improve Company Marketing
Business Research Report
September 2, 2014
Presented by Partner

Research Findings - Facebook
• Facebook is the largest consumer social media site in the world with in excess of 1.317 billion active monthly users (2014, Smith) • Over 1 million websites have integrated with Facebook. 80% of users prefer to connect with brands on Facebook (2013, Cooper) • The percentage of marketing professionals who are advertising on Facebook is 92% (Tactics, 2014)

Recommendations - Facebook
• It is recommended that the company creates and maintains a corporate Facebook site to engage, nurture and monitor B2C relationships • Site creation and post-live launch content to be executed by the marketing department, with the help of outside specialist if needed • At 50% site completion and prior to live site launch the Facebook site will need management review and approval • Also recommended is a designated employee solely responsible to manage all social media channels recommended herein

Justification - Facebook
• Facebook is the largest social media platform where content is disseminated directly to the public on a very targeted basis • The public is interconnecting with each other at an increasing rate via social networks. Facebook is the opportunity to engage mas consumers • Consumers like to do business with people they trust. By engaging consumers the company can build a loyal fan base (Stelzner, 2014) • Facebook is the second largest connector of B2B (DeMers, 2013)

Research Findings - LinkedIn
• LinkedIn is the largest B2B social media site for professionals in the world with 187 million monthly active users (Smith, 2014) • LinkedIn is a social network for professionals and continues to grow by adding two professional users per second. (Cooper, 2013) • LinkedIn is responsible for nearly two thirds (64%) of all

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