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Submitted By MichelleZXT
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things to you die) taste (before the checklist

# 64 Roasted Cherries with TahitianVanilla Bean Gelato

Pattaya Thai Restaurant, 406 Sixth St., New Westminster, 604529-9161.

002 // MANgO POPSiCLe
TNT, 179 Keefer Pl., 604-899-8836.

003 // BLACk tRuffLe PizzA
Market, Level 3, 1115 Alberni St., 604-695-1115. Vancouver

004 // giANt OReO
Butter Baked Goods, 4321 Dunbar St., 604-221-4333.

005 // CRiSPY CAuLifLOWeR
Nuba, 207 W. Hastings St., 604-688-1655.

006 // StuffeD RABBit SADDLe
Bacchus at the Wedgewood, 845 Hornby St., 604-608-5319.

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Eating & Drinking 101 things to taste before you die

Granville Island Tea Company, 1689 Johnston St., 604-6837491.

008 // fRiCASSé
Medina Café, 556 Beatty St., 604-879-3114.

009 // POiRe WiLLiAMS
LDB Stores. 250-549-3120.

010 // AgNOLOtti LAMB Rugu With MiNt
AND PeAS L’Altro Buca, 1906 Haro Street, 604-683-6912.

011 // SiNgAPORe-StYLe JeRkY
Bee Kim Heng, 4149 Fraser St, 604-677-5303

012 // COCONut With SCALLOPS fOAM AND hAzeLNut SALt Bin 941, 941 Davie St., 604-683-1246.

013 // ROteLLO Di CAPONe
Moccia, 2276 E. Hastings St., 604-255-2032.

014 // vietNAMeSe SuBMARiNe SANDWiCh
Au Petit Café, 4851 Main St., 604-873-3328.

015 // SteAk tARtARe
Le Gavroche, 1616 Alberni St., 604-685-3924.

016 // DeLuxe POutiNe
Belgian Fries, 1885 Commercial Dr., 604-253-4220. Belgianfries. com

017 // high POiNt fARMS RASPBeRRieS
High Point Farms, 1495 Coats Drive, Gabriola Island, 250-2478006.

018 // hONeY-DiP DOughNutS
Lee’s Donuts, 122-1689 Johnston St., 604-685-4021

019 // hANDMADe gNOCChi
La Piazza Dario, 3075 Slocan St., 604-430-2195. Lapiazzadario.

Lolita’s, 1326 Davie St., 604-696-9996.

021 // CheeSe tOASt
Hy’s Encore, 637 Hornby St., 604-683-7671.

022 // MixeD SeAfOOD CeviChe
Blue Water Cafe, 1095 Hamilton St., 604-688-8078.

023 // fRASeR MeADOWS YOguRt
Widely available.

024 // heARt-ShAPeD CheeSe SCONe
The Secret Garden Tea Company, 5559 West Blvd., 604-2613070.

025 // CuRRY CuttiNg NOODLeS
Sha Lin, 548 W. Broadway, 604-873-1816

026 // ChiCkeN fRieD SteAk
Deacon’s Corner, 101 Main St., 604-684-1555.

027 // SeA uRChiN
Tojo’s, 1133 W. Broadway, 604-872-8050.

028 // JAMAiCAN LAgeR
Dockside Brewing Company, 1253 Johnston St., Granville Island, 604-685-7070.

029 // fReNCh tOASteD BAguette
Provence Marinaside, 1177 Marinaside Cres., 604-681-4144.

Coast, 1054 Alberni St., 604-685-5010.

031 // tACOS AL PAStOR
Don Guacamoles, 1333 Robson St., 604-569-2295.

032 // ChOLuLA
South China Seas, Granville Island Public Market.

033 // BRiSket SANDWiCh
BBQ Bob’s, 2129 Lake Placid Rd., 604-932-4424. Rolandswhistler. com

034 // ROASteD COCONut iCe CReAM
Capers and West Valley Market, 1156 Bute St. Westvalleymarket. com

035 // keSSLeR
Jolly Foods, 111 Charles St., North Van, 604-929-7937

036 // MOgO
Simba’s Grill, 825 Denman St., 604-974-0649.

037 // LiNguiNe With LOBSteR
Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill, 1133 Hamilton St., 604-6887466.

038 // hANDMADe PORk gYOzA
The Diamond, 6 Powell St.

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Eating & Drinking 101 things to taste before you die

039 // CARAMeL APPLe
Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Various locations.

040 // BLue BRie, PROSCuittO, AND PeAR
BAguette SANDWiCh Finch’s, 353 W. Pender St., 604-899-4040.

041 // PACifiC SABLefiSh
Elixir, 350 Davie St., 604-642-0557.

042 // StONe BOAt PiNOt gRiS 2008
The Winery, Oliver, B.C.

043 // gReeNWiCh SOuR
Uva Wine Bar, 900 Seymour St., 604-632-9560.

044 // PeANut-AND-ChOCOLAte ButteR
Whole Foods, 510 W. Eighth Ave., 778-370-4210.

Vij’s, 1480 W. 11th Ave., 604-736-6664.

046 // ChOCOLAte BuDiNO
Nook, 781 Denman St., 604-568-4554.

047 // SPAghetti quAttRO
Quattro Restaurants, various locations.

048 // tuSCAN White BeAN AND PANCettA
SOuP La Buca, 4025 Macdonald St., 604-730-6988.

049 // DuCk SPRiNg ROLLS
Charm Modern Thai, 1269 Hamilton St., 604-688-9339.

050 // fOCACCiA
Sciue, 126 Davie St., 604-689-7263.

051 // ALSAtiAN ONiON tARte
Le Crocodile, 100-909 Burrard St., 604-669-4298.

052 // ChOuCROute
DB Bistro Moderne, 2563 W. Broadway, 604-739-7115. Dbbistro. ca

053 // gâteAu St. hONORé
Fratelli’s, 1795 Commercial Dr., 604-255-8926.

Café Presto Panini, 859 Hornby St., 604-684-4445. Prestopanini. ca

055 // COCONut PORteR
The Alibi Room, 157 Alexander St., 604-623-3383.

056 // BACON ChOCOLAte ChiP COOkieS
Well-Seasoned, 302c-20771 Langley By-Pass, Langley, 604-5301518.

057 // tuNA tAtAki
Cactus Club, various locations.

058 // hORChAtA
Doña Cata, 5076 Victoria Dr., 604-436-2232.

059 // LAveNDeR MeAD
Various locations.

060 // MONtReAL SMOkeD MeAt SANDWiCh
PHAT, 1055 Mainland St., 604-684-6239; 1859 W. Fourth Ave., 604-737-7428.

061 // u-BAke MAC AND CheeSe
Les Amis du Fromage, various locations.

062 // SiDe StRiPe PRAWN fRittAtA
Raincity Grill, 1193 Denman St., 604-685-7337.

063 // SuCkLiNg Pig With SAueRkRAut
La Brasserie, 1091 Davie St., 604-568-6499.

064 // ROASteD CheRRieS With tAhitiAN-vANiLLA-BeAN geLAtO CinCin, 1154 Robson St., 604-688-7338.

065 // vANCOuveR CROiSSANtS
Whole Foods and Capers, various locations.

066 // RiPtiDe SquiD
Dundarave Fish Market, 2423 Marine Dr., 604-922-1155.

067 // CONgOLAiSe MOuLe fRiteS
Chambar, 562 Beatty St., 604-879-7119.

068 // StONe-gRiLLeD Beef tONgue
Kingyo Izakaya, 871 Denman St., 604-608-1677. Kingyo-izakaya. com

069 // MADeLeiNeS
Lumiere, 2551 W. Broadway, 604-739-8185.

070 // quAiLS’ gAte 2007 tOtALLY BOtRYtiS
AffeCteD OPtiMA Widely available.

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Eating & Drinking 101 things to taste before you die

071 // BARBeCue PORk
Lee Loy, 419 Gore Ave., 604-685-6025

072 // MAkOWieC
Polonia Bakery & Deli, 4329 E. Hastings St., Burnaby, 604-2931148

073 // DeeP-fRieD SPOt PRAWN heADS
Miku, 2-1055 W. Hastings St., 604-568-3900,

074 // giANt DOSAS
Saravanaa Bhavan, 955 W. Broadway, 604-732-7700.

075 // teRRiNe De CAMPAgNe
Jules Bistro, 216 Abbott St., 604-669-0033.

076 // fReSh PRetzeLS
Swiss Bakery, 143 E. Third Ave., 604-736-8785.

077 // ButteRMiLk MARiNAteD ChiCkeN
WiNgS Yaletown Brewing Co., 1116 Hamilton St., 604-688-0064.

078 // DARk & StORMY
West, 2881 Granville St., 604-738-8938.

079 // StROzzAPRetti BOLOgNeSe
La Terrazza, 1088 Cambie St., 604-899-4449.

Thomas Haas, 128-998 Harbourside Dr., North Vancouver, 604924-1847, and 2539 W. Broadway.

081 // MOChiMO SMiLe PizzA
Strawberry Cones, 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, 604-2956693.

082 // SeRBiAN gARLiC SAuSAge
J N & Z, 1729 Commercial Dr., 604-251-4144

083 // tuSkeR BeeR
BC Liquor Stores.

084 // BLueBeRRY-APRiCOt JAM
Mix the Bakery, 4430 W. 10th Ave., 604-221-4145. Mixthebakery. com

085 // ARtiSAN giN
Victoria Gin, available at BC Liquor Stores.

086 // keNtuCkY BuRgOO
Burgoo Bistro, various locations.

087 // LeMON ButteR-MiLk Pie With BLueBeRRieS AND RASPBeRRieS Savary Island Pie Co., 1533 Marine Dr., West Van, 604-926-4021.

088 // DeLux tAN tAN NOODLeS
Szechuan Chongqing, 205-1668 W. Broadway, 604-734-1668.

089 // BAkuDANYAki
Tenku, 7100 Elmbridge Way.

090 // LAvASh
Anatolia’s Gate, 7084 Kingsway, Burnaby, 604-525-2519

091 // DuNgeNeSS CRAB hOt POt
Sea Harbour, 3711 No. 3 Rd., Richmond, 604-232-0816.

092 // NAtuRAL PAStuReS CheeSe
Widely available.

093 // CAPPuCCiNO
Elysian Coffee, 1778 W. Fifth Ave., 604-734-1778, and 590 W. Broadway, 604-874-5909.

094 // BOuRBON CRèMe BRûLee
Fuel Restaurant, 1944 W. Fourth Ave., 604-288-7905.

095 // DuCk CONfit With WARM BACON
DReSSiNg Cru, 1459 W. Broadway, 604-677-4111.

096 // 40-DAY DRY-AgeD SteAkS
Sebastian & Co. 2425 Marine Dr., West Van, 604-925-1636.

097 // DeeP-fRieD iCe CReAM
Primo’s on 12th, 1509 W. 12th, 604-736-9322

098 // CRiSPY CeCi
Campagnolo, 1020 Main St., 604-484-6018.

099 // PASteiS De NAtA
Michèle Cake Shop, 6033 W. Blvd., 604-261-3284

100 // PAAN
Jambo Grill & Goodmorning Paan, 3219 Kingsway, 604-4335060.

101 // SteAk fRiteS
Les Faux Bourgeois, 663 E. 15th Ave., 604-873-9733.

Read our critics’ reviews of the restaurants featured in these pages, meet the chefs, and browse a gallery of recipes—all at restaurants

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...Demographic: The Vancouver Aquarium attracts a wide range of demographics, “One-size-fits-all”. The bulk of visitors are Adults aged 18-49 (55%), followed by youth and seniors (25%) and then finally children with the average age around 9 years old (20%). There is no concentration toward male or female. Majority of attendees to events such as the Frogs Forever campaign, are high income families with elementary school aged children along with their grandparents. Along with families there are efforts to attract various ethnic back grounds with focus towards Asian and south Asian markets. Geographic’s: Western Canada residents make up for 2/3 of visitors to the Vancouver aquarium The majority of the western Canada visitors are BC residents living in the metro Vancouver area. These customers are visiting on a regular basis and contribute to the membership revenues which have been increasing substantially since 2009.The other third consists of various tourists that make Vancouver an overnight destination. Stats Canada states that the geographic origin of overnight visitors to the Metro Vancouver area is: United States 1,894,257, Asia/Pacific 650,689, Europe 410,409 and other international tourists 120,376. Psychographic: Psychographics attracted to the aquarium are middle to upper class residents who are interested in animals and marine life. For the most part these visitors are environmentally conscious that live an active, energetic, exciting and economical lifestyle...

Words: 329 - Pages: 2