Premium Essay

Verbal and Nonverbal Memo


Submitted By taylorthompson11
Words 685
Pages 3
To: Employee
From: Supervisor
Date: 9-28-15
Subject: Verbal and Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication also evolved earlier than verbal communication and served an early and important survival function that helped humans later develop verbal communication. While some of our nonverbal communication abilities, like our sense of smell, lost strength as our verbal capacities increased, other abilities like paralanguage and movement have grown alongside verbal complexity. The fact that nonverbal communication is processed by an older part of our brain makes it more instinctual and involuntary than verbal communication.
Nonverbal communication can substitute for verbal communication in a variety of ways. Nonverbal communication can convey much meaning when verbal communication isn’t effective because of language barriers. Language barriers are present when a person hasn’t yet learned to speak or loses the ability to speak. Nonverbal communication helps us regulate our conversations so we don’t end up constantly interrupting each other or waiting in awkward silences between speaker turns. Pitch, which is a part of vocalic, helps us cue others into our conversational intentions. A rising pitch typically indicates a question and a falling pitch indicates the end of a thought or the end of a conversational turn. In verbal communication, or oral communication, one person sends a message to another person or group using speech. Communication is successful only when the speaker and listener understand each other. Because the average person is exposed to thousands of messages every day, your message must rise above competing information to gain your listener’s attention. After receiving the message, your listener must be able to interpret, or decode, its meaning. Verbal communication involves using speech to exchange information with others. You usually communicate

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