Premium Essay

Verbal Versus Nonverbal Communication


Submitted By misstiki
Words 997
Pages 4
Verbal versus Nonverbal Communication

My objective is to examine my communication experiences as an employee and as

a customer. Through my selected circumstances, I hope to find if my nonverbal actions

prevail over my verbal techniques. I have tried to present both my view and that of others

as impartially as possible.

I work with part-time employees, as well as full time. Trying to communicate my

frustration with fellow coworkers not doing what I concider their “fair share” has left me

disappointed at times. I have noticed that one part timer in particular doesn’t finish many

tasks, knowing someone else will take care of it. Here is how a typical scenario played

out recently:

Bright and early Monday morning I enter our office and immediately notice that

the area looks disheveled . The desk was strewn with paperwork, cups and an empty

takeout container. A note addressed to me states, “ Hey girl! Can you call this guy back

when you get in? Thanks!”. My irritation grows as I clean up, call customer, who

happened to be irate, and try to salvage my day. Later that morning, the part-time

employee comes in. Perching on the edge of my desk she swings her leg while examining

the ends of her hair. “Did you get my note?” she says. I lean back in my chair and cross

my arms over my chest, “Uh huh”. Part-timer breaks into a smile, “Thanks so much, I had

to leave early and that guy sounded mad on the answering machine. You’re so good at

dealing with that stuff.” At this point, I push away from the desk and stand up. “

Unfortunately, I get stuck doing that a lot.”, I say, as I walk out of the room.

First , I’ll look at this from my view. Though my co-worker’s words were said

with a friendly tone to her voice and her note was written with a cheerful flair, her


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