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Vietnam Veterans Memorial Analysis

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For years the United States and the world have been at war. Whether it is within the countries own borders, with a neighboring country or countries across the planet; We as humans have been been battling everything from small conflicts and massive world wars. These wars haven’t been the most beautiful thing nor have they been the worst. Most wars and conflicts have had the end goal of better the country but some haven’t been. These also bring up a different type of conflict, one of which that dwells inside each and everyone of us. Is war the right choice or not?
Vietnam Veterans Memorial One of the most notable and prominent remembrances of war is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C, which was designed and proposed by Maya Lin. …show more content…
The mural became his main focus and wanted to be portray the devastation, destruction and pain of all the innocent lives lost during that bombing campaign. Picasso had to stand on ladders and use extended poles on is paint brushes to reach the corners of massive mural that spans a whopping 11 feet long and 25.6 feet high (, 2009). This painting uses only black and white paint with varying shade scales to bring out the dramatics of the artwork. Picasso never told anyone what the meaning of the subjects of the artwork meant but only “This bull is a bull and this horse is a horse. If you give a meaning to certain things in my paintings it may be very true, but it is not my idea to give this meaning. What ideas and conclusions you have got I obtained too, but instinctively, unconsciously. I make the painting for the painting. I paint the objects for what they are” (Arbeiter, 2015).
Guernica painting in the United Nations building. (United Nations Headquarters, N.Y., …show more content…
When the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was first proposed, most objected to it’s extreme minimalistic design. This design was frowned upon and looked at as a disgrace to those who were killed or served in Vietnam. When the memorial first opened people petitioned to have other memorials added to it so that the minimal wall was highlighted. These included a flag pole with The Three Servicemen Statue which features a 18 foot tall statue that looks towards the memorial wall. This was done so that it added to the minimal design, yet didn’t take away from the wall too much. Later the Vietnam Women’s Memorial was added, again to enhance the overall effect of the Memorial Wall. While the Vietnam Veterans Memorial shows a dedication to those who have served, something that we can look back on and remember those who are no longer with us without realizing the destruction and pain of war, Guernica does the exact opposite. The memorial wall was judged, and so was the Guernica when it first was displayed. It didn’t draw too many people to the revealing at the world fair in France (Witham, 2013). These criticisms demanded that it be replaced with something that was more traditional and able to show a better future for the

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