Premium Essay

Wan Structure


Submitted By bigmeats
Words 1405
Pages 6

When designing project for a top level enterprise-wide telecommunications network for ABC Company (ABC) with worldwide offices in the U.S. (San Francisco, Detroit, Washington, Indianapolis, Tampa), Europe (Paris, Liverpool), Japan (Tokyo), and South America (Sao Paulo), is engaged in the development of audio and video special effects for the entertainment and advertising industry. It is imperative as team member to work diligently and closely to deliver a quality project on time for the company. We [must] keep in mind as well to meet some technical customer requirements, keep the network managed and running at its best performance, and ensure that the network is pretty secure. The design for this network begins by designing the local network, at each of the provided locations, and then connecting all the offices together in an effective Wide Area Network (WAN) Design. The network design will include both voice and data sharing. Microsoft Project will be used as a tool to organize and manage the complete project, and it will include budget and schedule. We also must remember that the main design centers are in San Francisco, Detroit, Paris, Tokyo, and Sao Paulo, with Corporate Headquarters lodged in San Francisco. The remaining offices are used as sales offices. Consider the company to operate on a 24 hours a day and 7 days a week basis, because it is global. It has been said, that with the advent of globalization, WAN has become a major artery for communication between remote offices and customers in any corner of the globe. Additionally, with data center consolidation, applications are moving to centralized data centers and clouds. We can also take advantage of virtualization within the centralized data center. WAN plays an even more critical role, because ABC survival is dependent on the availability and performance of the network. In the past

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