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Warm and Responsive Childcare


Submitted By Maodian
Words 875
Pages 4
Warm and Responsive Parenting Kansas State University Yihan Wang

Introduction Giving a warm and responsive care has being highlighted as the best method to take care of our children, and being emphasized thought out our learning of Childhood Education. The impact of parenting style on the children' development is dramatic for both physical and mental aspects. The influence of early childhood experiences will lasting for a long period, it will affect their cognitive, biology and psychosocial development. Therefore, as a future educator I want talk about this specific way to give care and the effects of warm and responsive care. What does "warm and responsive care" mean? Babies are delicate, raising a baby will never be a easy task, they need love, patient and balanced nutrition. Giving a warm and responsive care means you need always meet your babies' needs, and provide emotional security for them. The security come from attachment, time spending could be an important indicator, the more time you spend with them, the more secure they feel. Except spending time with them as a caregiver we should also be willing to satisfy their need. For example, feed them before they cry, giving comfort when they are up set, always be aware of their bodies' cues could help you. Why warm and responsive care could be such important? We could easily find many differences between well cared children and poor cared children in almost every category of child development. Explanation A responsive parent will more likely be a good leader for their children's development, they will always encourage their children and lead them to proceed to the new skills, trust could help them build the confidence to take bigger step than other kids. A responsive parent also should provide appropriate help at the right time, for example

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