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Warren In The Death Of The Hired Man

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In the poem “The Death of the Hired Man,” a wife named Mary argues with her husband, Warren, about keeping Silas on the farm to keep working. Warren fails to realize Silas’ illness, and therefore is hard on him. Mary, on the other hand, realizes just how sick Silas is, and pleads with her husband to keep him on the farm and cut him some slack. Silas has continuously been a disappointment to Warren- from failed contracts to sleeping on the job. Mary finally persuades him to keep Silas, but when he goes to find him, he is already dead. This poem made me feel grievance for Silas. It was easy to tell from descriptions in the story that he was a hard worker, but he was just too sick to get the job done well. “He’s worn out. He’s asleep beside the stove. When I came up from Rowe’s I found him here, …show more content…
Wait till you see.”. This here indicates his hard work, and just how sick Silas really was. He could not even make it back to the house before falling asleep. I felt contempt towards Warren because he could have changed Silas’ circumstances by being lenient towards him and caring for him when he was sick. But, I believe that Silas could have easily left the farm and took time to regain strength and health, and then come back to make things right with Warren. Warren was oblivious to Silas’ sickness, which proves that Warren should have paid more attention to his workers and their health. He should have cared about their physical and mental state. I adored how Mary was understanding towards Silas, and made sure that Warren knew about his illness. She wanted to make sure that Silas got the proper care and wanted Warren to be kind and compassionate, regardless of short-comings of the past. She is the perfect example of someone who is kind and caring, and I loved how she was able to persuade Warren to show

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