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Was Legislation to Restrict Immigration Justified or Unjustified?


Submitted By CATHY12345
Words 393
Pages 2
In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States. Fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine, many came to the U. S. because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity. Others came seeking personal freedom or relief from political and religious persecution. With hope for a brighter future, nearly 12 million immigrants arrived in the United States between 1870 and 1900 with such huge members arriving many Americans began to grow apprehensive and began to wonder if the presence of so many immigrants might somehow weaken the U.S. society. Coming to the United States was a difficult task. Usually only men would come. People would come in steerage because of lack of money. The conditions they faced there were devastating. People were crammed up together in dirty, small decks. Coming to America was a dangerous journey where many got sick, and some even died. But still, people from Spain, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and China, came to America. Push and pull factors are said to be the cause of Immigrants in the U.S. Once settled, immigrants looked for work. There were never enough jobs, and employers often took advantage of the immigrants. Men were generally paid less than other workers, and women less than men. Social tensions were also part of the immigrant experience. Often stereotyped and discriminated against, many immigrants suffered verbal and physical abuse because they were different. While large-scale immigration created many social tensions, it also produced a new vitality in the cities and states in which the immigrants settled. The newcomers helped transform American society and culture, demonstrating that diversity, as well as unity, is a source of national strength. Population in many cities kept growing abruptly because

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