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Week 3 Matrix


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University of Phoenix Material

Modern America Matrix Week 3

Week 3: 1960s Part Two

Johnson’s Presidency

From the following list, choose five events from the 1960s. Identify the basic facts, dates, and purpose of the event in 2 to 3 sentences in the Identify column. Include why the event is significant in the Significance column, and add a reference for your material in the Reference column.

• Medicare • Medicaid • The War on Poverty • The Apollo Program • The Department of Housing and Urban Development • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Tax Cuts for Economic Growth • Job Corps • National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities • National School Lunch Act of 1946 • Wilderness Act of 1964 • Food Stamp Act of 1964 • The Voting Rights Act of 1965 • The Immigration Act of 1965 • The Rolling Stones • The Beatles • Flower Children • Abbie Hoffman and the Chicago Seven • Kent State killings

|Event |Identify |Significance |Reference |
|Medicare |July 30, 1965, President |The program, which provides ||
| |Lyndon B. Johnson signs |insurance for some 43 million |n-signs-medicare-into-law |
| |Medicare, a health insurance |elderly and disabled people, is | |
| |program for elderly Americans,|considered both a huge success ||
| |into law. The Medicare |that has markedly improved the |are-influences-american-health-care.html |
| |program, providing hospital |health of the nation’s elderly and| |
| |and medical insurance for |an unbelievably complex, | |
| |Americans age 65 or older, was|unsustainable program that | |
| |signed into law as an |accounts for an ever-increasing | |
| |amendment to the Social |portion of the federal budget. | |
| |Security Act of 1935. In |Before Medicare was created in | |
| |1972, eligibility for the |1965, only about 55% of seniors | |
| |program was extended to |had health insurance, | |
| |Americans under 65 with | | |
| |certain disabilities and | | |
| |people of all ages with | | |
| |permanent kidney disease | | |
| |requiring dialysis or | | |
| |transplant. Medicare is | | |
| |funded entirely by the federal| | |
| |government and paid for in | | |
| |part through payroll taxes. | | |
|The Department of |Was founded as a Cabinet |The department assists in finding ||
|Housing and Urban |department on September 9, |solutions to the problems of |ousing-and-urban-development?detailsDepartmentID=|
|Development |1965, as part of the "Great |housing and urban development |572 |
| |Society" program of President |through state, local, or private | |
| |Lyndon Johnson, to develop and|action. It makes direct loans, ||
| |execute policies on housing |insures mortgages, and provides |ment_of_Housing_and_Urban_Development |
| |and metropolises. In the |housing subsidies, and it promotes| |
| |1960s, HUD sought to eliminate|and enforces equal housing ||
| |discrimination through the |opportunity. |using-urban-development-united-states-department-|
| |implementation of the Fair | |of.html |
| |Housing Act of 1968. The | | |
| |department also enforced the | | |
| |provisions of the Brooke | | |
| |Amendment in 1969, which | | |
| |established that low-income | | |
| |families would pay no more | | |
| |than 25% of their incomes for | | |
| |rent. | | |
|The Voting Rights Act of|It was signed into law by |According to the U.S. Department ||
|1965 |President Lyndon B. Johnson |of Justice, the Act is considered |_1965 |
| |during the height of the |to be the most effective piece of | |
| |American Civil Rights Movement|civil rights legislation ever ||
| |on August 6, 1965, and |enacted in the country. |g-rights-act |
| |Congress later amended the Act| | |
| |five times to expand its | | |
| |protections. aimed to | | |
| |overcome legal barriers at the| | |
| |state and local levels that | | |
| |prevented African Americans | | |
| |from exercising their right to| | |
| |vote under the 15th Amendment | | |
| |(1870) to the Constitution of | | |
| |the United States. | | |
|The Immigration Act of |The Immigration and |By the end of the 20th century, ||
|1965 |Naturalization Act of 1965, |the policies put into effect by |onality_Act_of_1965 |
| |also known as the Hart-Celler |the Immigration Act of 1965 had | |
| |Act, was enacted on June 30, |greatly changed the face of the ||
| |1968. It abolished an earlier|American population. Whereas in |e-1965 |
| |quota system based on national|the 1950s, more than half of all | |
| |origin and established a new |immigrants were Europeans and just| |
| |immigration policy based on |6 percent were Asians, by the | |
| |reuniting immigrant families |1990s only 16 percent were | |
| |and attracting skilled labor |Europeans and 31 percent were of | |
| |to the United States. In |Asian descent, while the | |
| |place of the national-origins |percentages of Latino and African | |
| |quota system, the act provided|immigrants had also jumped | |
| |for preferences to be made |significantly. Between 1965 and | |
| |according to categories, such |2000, the highest number of | |
| |as relatives of U.S. citizens |immigrants (4.3 million) to the | |
| |or permanent residents, those |U.S. came from Mexico, in addition| |
| |with skills deemed useful to |to some 1.4 million from the | |
| |the United States or refugees |Philippines. Korea, the Dominican | |
| |of violence or unrest. Though |Republic, India, Cuba and Vietnam | |
| |it abolished quotas per se, |were also leading sources of | |
| |the system did place caps on |immigrants, each sending between | |
| |per-country and total |700,000 and 800,000 over this | |
| |immigration, as well as caps |period. | |
| |on each category. As in the | | |
| |past, family reunification was| | |
| |a major goal, and the new | | |
| |immigration policy would | | |
| |increasingly allow entire | | |
| |families to uproot themselves | | |
| |from other countries and | | |
| |reestablish their lives in the| | |
| |U.S. | | |
|The Beatles |The Beatles were an English |The Beatles shaped not only music ||
| |rock band that formed in |but also an entire generation. |eatles.htm |
| |Liverpool in 1960. With |People mimicked all that they did,| |
| |members John Lennon, Paul |including haircuts, clothing, and | |
| |McCartney, George Harrison and|outlook. Their style and | |
| |Ringo Starr, they became |innovative music set the standard | |
| |widely regarded as the |for all musicians to follow. | |
| |greatest and most influential | | |
| |act of the rock era. | | |

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