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Why I Want To Be In Honor Guard

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I think that being in Honor Guard means always helping anyone you can and do not think twice about it. I think it's more about the people behind the scenes working with one another in order to keep things running smoothly. AFJROTC is a cadet runned program, and with that, there needs to be leaders that are willing to help and step up to the plate in order for everything to go as planned. To be in honor guard creates a community service team that helps everyone arounds them.

Why do you want to be in Honor Guard?

I would like to be a part of honor guard in order to truly help more people around me. I know that things can get difficult at times, and if I’m able to help alleviate one’s stress about it, really gives me satisfaction. I would like to challenge myself in a way that I could grow and learn new things from the experience and that I know will help me in the future. Honestly, I just really want to help others because I know the feeling of just wanting to give up and to not deal with anything anymore, but I had people help me get back to my feet. This would be an amazing way for me to repay and show my gratitude of the help of those people. …show more content…
I believe that honor is a privilege that is earned through hard work. You stick to being true to yourself and being someone of integrity. You respect others and treat everyone equally. I believe that it is moral duties that should be accomplished not because someone has to tell you,but because you should want to, it comes out of the goodness of your heart. Honor is a privilege, therefore it can be easily taken

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