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Why Is Macbeth Murder

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Macbeth: The Murder
“To me, this world is nothing but evil, and my own evil just happened to come out cause of the circumstances of what I was doing.”- Aileen Wuornos. Aileen Wuornos was an american serial killer that killed over seven men. She was driven through how she saw this world as evil and how circumstances let her evil side come out. This is exactly like how Macbeth see his world in the play Macbeth written by Shakespeare is about a Man that who became a murderer after a series of influencing events. The First one was with the witches and the prophecies that were told to him. This one is Important, but not the main reason for Macbeth's actions. It was The agitation of the king that cause him to kill him and not though his influenced by his wife. He also show agitation in the play which leads him to kill King Duncan. …show more content…
At first Macbeth started out portrayed as loyal and followed every command that king Duncan gave religiously. Then, Macbeth after the prophecy told by the witches becomes more agitated by the kings decisions. When Macbeth got back from the war he was Promoted to thane of cawdor a promotion that would have promised him the err to the throne of Ireland. , but this changed when king Duncan decided to give the crown to his son. At this moment he didn’t hesitate go ahead to show his frustration. Frustrated, Macbeth states, “ Aside] The Prince of Cumberland —that is a step On which I must fall down, or else overleap, For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires,Let not light see my black and deep desires.”(Shakespeare 1.4.19-50). This is the first time we see Macbeth shares his frustration with The king. Ultimately this frustration did entice to commit the murder of king duncan, in which he was granted king shortly

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