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Wind Mobile


Submitted By xingmeizhang11
Words 1602
Pages 7
Wireless!Communication!Industry!in!Canada! Meizhang!Xing!(1000583889)!
! Executive!Summary!
I!am!honered!that!you!trust!my!ability!enough!to!give!me!this!opportunity.!After!my!detailed!research!and!analysis,!I!do!feel!that!it!is! indeed!worthwhile!to!learn!about!the!wireless!communication!industry!as!well!as!WIND!Mobile.!I!will!presnet!you!with!my!findings! from!the!following!three!aspects!:!! 1. 2. 3. Current!industry!environment!:!rapid!growth!;!oligopolistic!structure! Wireless!communication!industry’s!strong!profit!generation!ability!:!revenue!growth!;!EBITDA!margin!growth! WIND!Mobile’s!development!and!potentiality:!stable!corporate!structure;!competitiveness!



In!my!opinion,!the!above!three!question!needs!to!be!answered!to!make!an!informed!decision!about!the!investment.!I!do!hope!my! research!can!help!you!convince!your!partners!to!investigate!in!the!Canadian!wireless!industry!and!WIND,!and!eventually!decide!on! whether!or!not!to!invest!in!WIND.!

a.!Rapid!development:!! !! ! ! !
Cell!phone!penetraeon:! In!2013,!83%!of!Canadian! households!had!an!aceve!cell!phone,! up!from!78%!in!2010.! In!2013,!21%!of!households!reported! using!a!cell!phone!exclusively,!up! from!13%!in!2010.! Data!traffic:!! Mobile!data!traffic!will!grow!900%! from!2013!to!2018,!a!compounded! annumal!growth!rate!of!54%.! Employment:!! Telecommunicaeon!field! employment!would!grow!from! 64,100!people!today!to!110,000!by! 2019!ability.!!


From!the!evidents!above,!we!can!see!that!cell!phone!penetration!is!getting!deeper!every!year,!data!traffic!is!increasing!by!more!than! 50%!each!year,!and!industry!employment!will!double!in!merely!5!years.!Backed!up!by!the!statistics!above,!we!can!safely!arrive!to!the! conclusion!that!wireless!communication!industry!is!experiencing!rapid!expansion,!which,!with!careful!management,!will!result!in! considerable!financial!gains!for!investors.!The!Canadian!wireless!industry!is!worthy!of!!investors’!time!and!effort.!! ! b.!Industry!participants! ! There!are!currently!more!than!two!dozen!wireless!service!providers!in!Canada,!including!national!carriers!and!their!subsidiaries,! regional!carriers,!urban_centric!providers,!and!numerous!high_profile!resellers:!Bell,!Bell!Aliant,!Chatr!Wireless,!Cityfone,! CityWest,!EastLink,!Fido,!Ice!Wireless,!KMTS!Mobility,!Koodo!Mobile,!Lynx!Mobility,!MTS,!Mobilicity,!NorthernTel,!PC!Mobile,! Petro!Canada!Mobility,!Primus,!Public!Mobile,!Rogers!Wireless,!SaskTel,!Sears!Connect,!7_Eleven!Speak!Out!Wireless,!Sogetel,! TBayTel,!Telebec,!TELUS,!Videotron,!Virgin!Mobile,!Wightman!Telecom!and!Wind!Mobile.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(!

! c.!Industry!giants! ! Bell!Canada,!MTS!Inc.,!Rogers,!Shaw,!and!TELUS!are!Canada’s!five!largest!providers!of!telecommunications!services.!Combined,! including!their!affiliates,!they!accounted!for!more!than!90%!of!total!market!revenues.!!


These!charts!on!the!right!show!the!percentage!of! wireless!service!revenue!market!shares!in!2012!and! 2013!for!Canada’s!three!major!telecommunications! service!providers:!the!Bell!Group,!Rogers! Communications,!and!Telus!Communications! Company.!Altoghether,!Bell,!Rogers,!and!Telus!had! more!than!90%!of!wireless!sector!revenue!in!2012! and!2013.!Moreover,!according!to!the!same!source,! these!three!companies!also!had!more!than!90%!of! the!wireless!subscribers!in!2012!and!2013.!! Among!the!category!“other”,!new!market!entrants,! including!WIND!Mobile,!occupied!3%!of!the!market! shares;!the!other!5%!belongs!to!smaller!companies.!

Other! 8%! Bell! 28%! Telus! 28%! 2012!

Other! 8%! Bell! 28%! Telus! 29%! 2013!

Roger s! 36%!

Roger s! 35%!



It!can!be!seen!that!the!Canadian!Wireless!communication!industry!has!an!oligopolistic!structure,!with!the!major!players! capturing!more!than!90%!of!the!market!share,!the!other!8%!being!new!entrants!and!smaller!players.!This!oligopoly!resulted!in! the!high!pricing!and!low!customer!service!standard!of!the!wireless!services.!Canadian!consumers!are!generically!unsatisfied!by! the!price!and!quality!of!their!wireless!supplier.!It!is!the!industry!trend!that!a!new!robust!supplier!can!enter!the!industry,!inject! competition!and!improve!the!quality!of!the!products.!!!


a.!Annual!growth!of!revenue!of!the!whole!industry! Years& Revenue&(billion)& ! 2009& 16.9! 2010& 18.0! 2011& 19.1! 2012& 20.4! 2013& 21.2! ! !

The!industry!is!seeing!a!steady!increase!in!revenue!in!the!past!five!years.!It!has! increased!from!the!16.9!billion!dollars!in!2009,!to!21.2!billion!dollars!in!2013.! Within!the!period!of!2009!to!2012,!there!has!been!an!approximately!6.5%! annual!growth.!However,!this!trend!surprisingly!stopped!in!the!year!2013.!They! growth!has!not!come!to!a!complete!stop,!but!the!growth!rate!has!seen!a! substantial!decrease!to!being!merely!3.78%.!The!decrease!in!the!growth!rate! cannot!be!determined!without!further!research.!But,!as!long!as!the!growth!rate! remains!positive,!investors!will!be!receiving!a!profit.!

Wireless!Industry!Revenue! (billion)! 21.2! 19.1! 20.4! 16.9! 18!

2009! 2010! 2011! 2012! 2013!

b.!Steady!EBITDA!margin!over!the!years! Years& 2009& EBITDA&Margin&& 42.0%! ! 2010& 41.5%! 2011& 42.9%! 2012& 40.7%! 2013& 43.2%! ! !

Wireless!Industry!EBITDA!Margin! 42.90%! 42.00%! 41.50%! 40.70%! 43.20%!

EBITDA!is!net!income!before!interest,!taxes,!depreciation,!and!amortization! added!back!to!it.!It!can!be!used!to!analyze!and!compare!profitability!between! companies!and!industries!because!it!eliminates!the!effects!of!financing!and! accounting!decisions;!and!EBITDA!margin!is!EBITDA!divided!by!total!revenue.!! We!can!see!that!the!wireless!communication!industry!has!seen!some! fluctuation!in!EBITDA!margin,!but!it!is!not!dramatic.!In!the!past!5!years,!the! EBITDA!margin!has!remained!slightly!over!40%,!which!is!considerably!higher! than!many!other!industries!as!I!will!present!to!you!in!the!next!section.!!


2009! 2010! 2011! 2012! 2013!

c.!Stronger!profit!generation!ability!compared!to!other!industries! ! I!have!found!a!table!published!by!New!York!University!of!the!profit!margin!of!96!industries!in!the!world.!The!table!is!not!specific! for!the!Canadian!market!place,!but!it!gives!us!a!good!idea!of!the!average!profit!generation!ability!of!every!industry!in!the!world.!!


I!have!found!only!four!industries!matching!the!EBITDA!margin!of!the!Canadian!wireless! communication!industry.!Among!these!four!sectors,!Canada!is!actively!involved!in!Oil!and! Gas!industry!and!Water!industry.!Canada!has!rich!oil!reserves,!but!they!are!extremely!hard! to!extract.!Water!industry!is!heavily!regulated!and!equity!trading!is!extremely!limited.! Wireless!communication!industry!is!an!inevitable!step!of!technological!advancement.!It!has! nearly!no!risk!and!near!zero!marginal!cost!once!the!facilities!are!installed.!The!fact!that!it!is! such!a!lucrative!and!nonirisky!industry!should!make!it!all!the!more!attractive!to!insightful! investors.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Industry& Oil!&!Gas! (Production!&! Exploration)& Precious!Metals& Tobacco& Utility!(Water)&

EBITDA! Margin& 42.09%! 42.36%! 41.50%! 42.50%!



a.!Stable!corporate!structure!and!bright!future:!! ! ! ! On!September!16 !2014,!WIND!Mobile!announced!a!$285!million!buyout!of!the!majority!of!the!stake!held!by!VimpelCom!Ltd.,! which!ended!WIND!Mobile’s!to!ownership!controversies!since!it!was!largely!finance!by!foreign!debt!and!equity.& This!action!will!finally!lead!to!corporate!stability!after!years!of!ownership!uncertainty.!What’s!more,!this!buyout!is!likely!to!result! in!a!partnership!between!the!Ontarioibased!carrier!and!Videotron!to!build!a!national!fourth!wireless!player.!! The!founder!and!former!CEO!of!WIND,!Anthony!Lacavera,!named!his!successor,!Pietro!Cordova.!The!buyout!as!well!as!the! change!of!CEO!blessed!WIND!with!a!fresh!start!and!a!bright!future.! th b.!Recent!year!growth!and!profit!generation!ability.! ! ! ! ! ! ! Year& 2011& 2012& 2013& 2014& Number&of& Subscriber& 317,000! 457,000! 620,000! 741,000! Growth&rate&of& Subscribers& +223,000! +140,000! +163,000! +141,000!

30.00%! 20.00%! 10.00%! 0.00%! 2009! 2010! 2011! 2012! 2013! 2014!

Telecom!Industry! Net!Income! Margin! WIND!Net! Income!Margin!

The!first!graph!on!the!left!shows!that!WIND!has!an! average!annual!growth!in!number!of!subscribers!of!approximately!150,000.!According!to!the!annual!statement!of!Bell,!Rogers,! and!Telus,!they!had!only!an!average!increase!of!100,000!subscribers!per!year.!! The!graph!on!the!right!shows!the!net!income!margin!of!both!the!telecom!industry!and!WIND.!The!slight!decline!in!the!net! income!of!the!whole!industry!presents!little!problem!to!investors!because!it!is!affected!by!financing!and!accounting!decisionsiiii EBITDA!is!a!better!measure!for!profitability.!However,!operating!under!the!same!tax!treatment,!WIND!still!presented!a!higher,! and!increasing!net!income!margin!compared!to!the!whole!industry.!It!can!be!concluded!that!WIND!possesses!momentum!and! potential!of!expansion.!!



The!Canadian!wireless!communication!industry!is!experiencing!an!explosion!of!demand.!The!industry!has!a!near!zero!marginal!cost! and!is!extremely!lucrative.!It!is!operating!under!an!oligopoly!structure,!but!new!entrants,!like!WIND,!and!are!likely!to!inject! competition!into!the!industry,!changing!the!industry!into!a!competitive!structure.! The!best!feature!about!investing!in!the!wireless!communication!industry!is!that!it!has!almost!no!risk.!The!demand!will!continue!to! increase!for!at!least!another!5!years!as!data!usage!increasingly!becomes!a!necessity!of!people’s!daily!life,!and!the!industry!operate!at! near!zero!marginal!cost.!WIND,!as!a!promising!new!entrant!of!the!industry!has!proven!itself!to!be!sustainable!and!competitive.!Thus,! I!strongly!believe,!an!insightful!investor!should!keep!a!watchful!eye!on!the!wireless!communication!industry!and!WIND!Mobile.!By! closely!monitoring!the!industry,!smart!investment!could!result!in!significant!profit.!!

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What Are the Key Aspects in the Construction and Design of the Burj Dubai Tower?

...comfortable lies in its structural design to deal with the main problems such as the wind load, the physical strength of the building and of course the elevator design needed for such a large structure. The Burj Dubai, situated in Dubai, will soon be the tallest building in the world, bypassing the previous record holder, the Taipei 101 by almost 290 metres giving it an astonishing 800 metre height. With over 2700 feet, designing and constructing such a vast building has given significant challenges to engineers and designers alike. Since the building can hold up to 35,000 people at once, it is essential that it is strong, comfortable and able to move people up and down it at a steady rate. This essay will explore how the designers and engineers went about solving these issues. One of the key problems the engineers had to overcome was effect of the wind load and how it would affect the building motions due to the extraordinary height of the tower. Wind load is something that must be taken into account for all buildings, but obviously the wind velocity increases the higher you go and since the structure is over 800 metres tall, there is guaranteed to be a large wind force acting on the building. Three different engineering firms: Skidmore, Owings and Merrill who were all working on the project, hired the RWDI (Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc.) a wind and environmental engineering firm to conduct wind studies on the Burj Dubai’s design. The RWDI had worked on a number of previous...

Words: 2012 - Pages: 9

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Descriptive Paragraph

...1: Step 2: Sight: * Cloudy skies * Blue water * Tall trees with coconuts * Sand * heatwaves Hear: * seagulls swarming into the air * the waves of the sea * the noise that a Cicada bug makes in hot tempuratures Feel: * The cool of a shadow * The warm water * The hot weather * The smoothness of the sand Smell: * Ocean breeze Taste: * Coconuts * Crabs * Any insect that you can find * Berries on the bushes Step 3: 1. Cool 2. Spectacular 3. War fun 4. Great 5. Significant 6. Gentle 7. Hot 8. Sunny 9. Majestic 10. Rich 11. Smooth 12. Calm 13. Peaceful 14. Reaxed 15. Warm 16. Thrilling 17. Racing wind 18. Tropical 19. Seasonal 20. Beautiful 21. Tasteful 22. Pleasant 23. Desolate 24. Sandy 25. Sunburn 26. Humid 27. Happy 28. Scenery 29. Breathtaking 30. Glamourous 31. Sheer 32. Lush 33. Isolated 34. Breezy 35. Splendid 36. Unique 37. Virtuous 38. Looming 39. Gentile 40. Superb Step 4: * Imagery * Personification * Simile * Metaphors Step 5: The dominant impression that my piece of writing will make you feel relaxed and peaceful. It will kind of make you feel like it is a commercial and it is very appealing to all the senses. The reader will wan t to go to the place when they are done reading it because they will understand...

Words: 427 - Pages: 2