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Perennial allergies result from airborne substances that are present all-year-round such as house dust. This causes congestion, an itchy nose that may also run, and itchy mouth and throat. House dust may contain mould and fungal spores, fibres of fabric, animal dander, dust mites, and bits of insects. Cockroach particles are often the cause of allergic reactions. Because more time is spent indoors during cold times of the year, allergic reactions are likely to be more severe in the winter. Perennial allergies usually cause allergic rhinitis symptoms but rarely allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis may develop due to substances being introduced into the eye, such as eye drops or cream used to treat eye disorders, cosmetics such as eyeliner, mascara or face powder, and hair dye. The cleaning solutions used to clean contact lenses may cause reactions. Antihistamines are given to relieve the symptoms, but the person may have to take them 12 months of the year. Anaphylactic shock is the most extreme form of reaction and it can be fatal in not treated medically immediately. Anaphylaxis develops suddenly, the face, lips, tongue and airways start to swell, cutting off respiration. Anxiety, tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing are also present. Blood vessels begin to dilate (widen) causing a severe drop in blood pressure, this may lead to unconsciousness and shock. What to do if a client, or someone near you, suffers an allergic reaction: For mild to moderate reactions: 1. Calm and reassure the person, as anxiety may worsen the symptoms 2. Try to identify the allergen and remove it from the area if possible. If the reaction is to a bee sting, remove the sting by scrapping it out with a finger nail or the edge of a plastic card. Don’t use tweezers – it may break off, or squeeze it – this releases more venom 3. Apply Calamine lotion and cool compresses to any itchy rashes, over-the counter cortisone cream may be used 4. Watch for signs of increasing distress, or escalation of symptoms 5. If the symptoms persist or worsen get medical help. The person may be carrying antihistamines, or an epi-pen – a self-injecting syringe of epinephrine, help them touse it. Unless you are qualified to do so, do not do it for them, only help For severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis): 1. Check the person’s airway, breathing and circulation (ABC of basic first aid). If their voice is hoarse, or they can only speak in whispers, this shows possible swelling of the throat 2. Call 999, give details of symptoms, say the person has allergies and may be going into anaphylactic shock 3. Calm and reassure the person 4. If the reaction is to a bee sting, remove the sting by scrapping it out with a finger nail or the edge of a plastic care. Don’t use tweezers – it may break off, or squeeze it – this releases more venom 5. If the person has any allergy medication with them help them to inject it. If it is oral medication they should not take it if they are having difficulty swallowing. Unless you are qualified to do so, do not do it for them, only help 6. Have the person lie flat, raise the persons feet about 12 inches above their head and cover them with a coat or blanket. This is to try to prevent the person going into shock before the medical help arrives * Do not assume that any allergy medication the person is carrying will provide complete protection * Do not put a pillow, or any other item, under the person’s head if they are having trouble breathing as you may block the airway * Do not give the person ANYTHING by mouth if they are having trouble breathing * Check for a Medic Alert bracelet and give this information to the emergency services when you call them Pre-Adaptive Phase
This is seen with items that are only taken occasionally. A strong and unmistakeable reaction occurs whenever the food is taken. Called the preadaptive because the body has not had a chance to adapt to the allergen, as in the case of items taken frequently at short intervals. Adaptive Phase
Allergy specialists regard the critical limit for consuming foods is four days, the body can tolerate repetitions outside this limit. If someone consumes the food more regularly, say every day, and then their body does not have the time to react. This person is considered as addicted to the food and will suffer withdrawal symptoms if they don’t eat it each day. They will do anything to get hold of the food to assuage their cravings. It is the food that they are very reluctant to give up, or refuse to give it up. The person will not consider they are allergic to this food, even saying they feel better when they eat it. Look behind the answers to the questions, dig deeper into the clients reactions and don’t take their symptoms at face value. Mal-Adaptive Phase
This phase is the continuation of the above phase; the patient needs to consume the food at shorter and shorter intervals to prevent the withdrawal cravings. The adaptation is not working so well and may become less complete and less satisfactory to the patient. Post-Adaptive or Exhausted Phase
Adaptation has stopped, fatigue and depression set in, possibly hypoglycaemia as well, and this often accompanies allergies, and become more or less permanent.

KINESIOLOGY BALANCING TECHNIQUES (Continued) Developing Awareness of Subtle Energy You will already have some awareness of subtle energy, although you probably did not recognise it. Think of those occasions when you have walked into a room, or someone's house, and you have immediately been aware of an 'atmosphere' maybe the atmosphere was hostile and resentful or angry, perhaps it felt cold and somehow threatening, or perhaps it was warm, welcoming and joyous. All this you feel aware of instantly before even looking at anyone and before anyone speaks. You are receiving the messages being set out in the auras. Think of how uncomfortable you feel when someone invades your space without being invited and stands too close. Think of the times when, without even glancing in their direction, you have suddenly become acutely aware of someone else. On all of these occasions, we are interacting with the auras of others. Most of us are capable of feeling this energy field in a more literal sense. Hold your hands close together without touching and then move them apart about two inches. Slowly bring them back to their starting position and then move them about four inches apart. Slowly move your hands back and forth in this fashion until you begin to become aware of something building up between your hands. There is something there that you cannot see and it may feel hot, cold, tingling, or simply some sense of pressure. Once you have experienced your own force field, try it with a partner. Place your hand above theirs with the palms facing and go through the same motions. You will not, necessarily, both feel the same thing. Once you know that all this energy exists, mingling and interacting, healing becomes more and more natural to you. Meridian Tracing We now need to use this intuitive healing power to restore balance to the meridian system and the energy flow can be stimulated by tracing the meridian pathways in the direction of the meridian flow. Meridian tracing uses the hand's external energy field to enhance the flow of energy in the meridian. The hand does not necessarily have to touch the body, but works just as well within 2 inches of the body. This distance allows the external energy fields to intermingle and create reaction. The two midline meridians meet where the lips touch: the central (Conception Vessel), which runs up the front of the body to the bottom lip and the Governing meridian on the back of the body which starts at the tail bone, goes up the spine, over the head to the top lip. These two meridians act as reservoirs and interconnect with all the other meridians. Trace each of the meridians in turn.

Figure 1 - Central Meridian From centre of pubic bone to just below the lower lip.

Figure 2 - Governing Meridian From tail bone, up spine, over the top of the head and down the face to the centre of the upper lip.

Figure 3 - Stomach Meridian From below the eye, around the cheek, to the forehead, over the eye, down the jaw and the front of the neck, across the collar bone, down the chest and abdomen, across the front of the hip, down the outside of the front of the leg to the end of the second toe.

Figure 4 - Spleen Meridian From the big toe up the inside of the leg, front of the abdomen to the side of the chest.

MUSCLE TESTING Manual muscle testing is not a new concept. It has long been used by practitioners such as physiotherapists to assess the strength of muscles after, for instance, strokes and injuries. Muscle strength against gravity is evaluated on a scale of 0.5. 5 normal strength 4 3 degrees of response 2 1 0 no response In Kinesiology we are not testing the strength of a muscle, but the quality of the muscle response. The muscle to be tested is isolated, as much as is possible, from the other muscles with which it normally works. It is put into a state of contraction usually by using an associated limb and the person to be tested is asked to hold that position whilst the therapist applies light but firm pressure pushing lightly in the direction that will extend the muscle. This pressure is applied for only 12 seconds. If the limb moves more than 5cm (2") the muscle is assessed as weak. If the limb holds, the assessment is "strong". N.B. There is usually some degree of movement when pressure is applied. The limb is not usually totally rigid during testing. It is the degree of movement which is the important factor. The muscles are 'strong' when the energy circuits are freely flowing and 'weak' when energy is reduced. The body will automatically attempt to compensate for weakness in one muscle by loading another. The positioning of muscles in Kinesiology testing, to isolate from other muscles has the effect of reducing the amount of compensation possible, thereby enhances the assessment of response.

Most branches of Kinesiology use muscle testing in two different ways: 1. A series of muscle tests throughout the body to assess how well the body is functioning on a structural, chemical, nutritional and emotional basis. 2. An indicator muscle (I.M.) testing using a single muscle to obtain responses about structural, chemical, nutritional and emotional basis.
In other words the same information may be obtained by either method. 1. Series of muscle tests This method is usually used by osteopaths and chiropractors particularly who test sets of muscles as they work through the body, putting corrective therapy into practice often as they go. It is particularly convenient for the practitioner who is working with the whole musculoskeletal system as part of their prime discipline. 2. The Indicator Muscle (I.M.) Test This method is used by the majority of Kinesiologists because of its simple, accurate, straightforward techniques. Any muscle of the body which is strong and functioning normally can be used as the single, indicator muscle. Its association with a particular meridian is not important in I.M. testing, as information about all meridians can be obtained from a single muscle. With either method of muscle testing, when a muscle tests 'strong' it indicates that the energy circuit is clear. The brain can therefore cope with the pressure applied by the tester, without stress. If the muscle tests 'weak' this indicates momentary disorganisation in the brain which cannot cope with two stressors simultaneously: i.e. (a) the stress of keeping the muscle in position; (b) the stressor already in stimulation which is causing blockage of energy flow. This stressor (or stressors) can be stress, illness, allergy or nutritional deficiency. As a result of this momentary disorganisation of messages to and from the brain, the muscle cannot hold its position and instantly weakens. The muscle testing we are now going to study in more detail is the Indicator Muscle (I.M.) test and this is the method of testing we shall be using in practice. Let us firstly look at our aim: To tap into the bodies own innate knowledge allowing it to indicate to us: (a) blockages of energy flow and possible problems; (b) the bodies requirements for its healing.

HOLISTIC NUTRITION The Balanced Diet A healthy diet is one that is balanced. This means eating the right amount of food for how active the person is, and eating a range of food from the five main food groups. These are: * Carbohydrates, which contain lots of energy and nutrients and are found in starchy foods, such as bread, pasta and potatoes * Protein, which helps the body to grow and repair itself, is found in meat, fish, beans and eggs * Fruit and vegetables * Milk and dairy foods * Foods that are high in fat and sugar
Carbohydrates should make up about one-third of the daily diet as should fruit and vegetables. The rest of the diet may be split between protein, milk and dairy. Only a small amount of what is eaten every day should come from foods that are high in fat and sugar. Eating well is an important part of maintaining good health. The practical tips below cover the basics of healthy eating and can help one make healthier choices: * Base meals on starchy foods as these provide energy * Lots of fruit and vegetables to be eaten, at least five portions of different types every day are recommended * Two portions of fish every week to be eaten, including one portion of oily fish such as mackerel or sardines * Saturated fat and sugar should be avoided, these are often found in snacks * Salt should avoided as a condiment * Undertake active pursuits to achieve a healthy weight * Plenty of water should be drunk, about six to eight glasses every day * Breakfast should always be eaten as this provides the start-up energy needed for the day * Make sure that the daily calorie intake is right for the level of weight and activity
Summing up on Diet Theory The whole world of diet theory and diet plans is bedevilled with publicity seeking celebrities and vested interests producing products to sell to those caught up with a particular diet plan. Publishers and booksellers have done remarkably well out of diet plans. As we have seen, there is undoubtedly some measure of validity in all of the diets that are promulgated in books and on the internet. After all, I doubt if anyone has died from them. However, like everything else in the modern world, diets tend be taken up by so-called celebrities who seem to have much money but little sense. Once this happens the diet becomes “cult” and generates a mass following. It is best to base the “recipe” for a diet on a sound, proven, scientific foundation. The first thing must be to place the diet on the sound basic laws of nutrition. Furthermore – if you are prescribing a diet for a patient, then it would be best to commence with a cleansing diet. Always remember to suit the diet to the patient and not the patient to the diet. Cleansing Diet If one is going to use a diet then it is wise to prepare for it in advance with cleansing.

When applied correctly, cleansing diets are just that – they are diets to clean toxic elements and waste matter from the body. As such, they create an excellent foundation for good health. One can only build on a sound foundation. Sick and/or overweight people will usually be emotionally ready to tackle a cleansing diet and such an opportunity should not be wasted. The simplest form of cleansing diet (or detoxifying diet) is fasting. However, to carry this out properly is not always practical. Fasting Fasting is the most profound cleansing process one can undertake. The cleansing diet offers a gentle alternative to fasting and is the next most effective option. For most individuals, the calm and relaxed environment, so necessary for effective fasting, is just not available owing to their hectic lifestyle. As such, fasting does not present a safe and viable option for most people. The detoxifying and emotional upheaval can be too severe and the fast can become potentially more damaging than valuable. The cleansing diet provides a more practical and effective approach. The Diet This is very simple and involves eating only fruits and vegetables and drinking only distilled, or filtered water, herb teas and fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Tea or coffee may be drunk in moderation. It is important to work towards a set goal. Work with the patient to choose either 5, 7 or 10 days with the option of extending for a little longer when the target is achieved. Contra-Indications You need to be aware that this dietary approach is not suitable for people who are severely anaemic or severely nutritionally deficient or “run down”. In such cases it is always better to build them up first with a quality diet of whole foods and supplements. After 4 to 6 weeks, depending upon how the patient responds, you could then advise the patient to consider a 'cleanse'. Remember that fasting and cleansing should never be applied during pregnancy and lactation. These diets are ideal to form a healthy foundation well before pregnancy, but they provide almost no protein and very few B Vitamins, Iron, Calcium or the other nutrients required in abundance during pregnancy. Extreme caution must be taken with elderly people. Experience has shown that major dietary upheaval is not in their best interest. With the elderly you should work more gently and carefully removing excessive fats, salt and sugar and changing shopping habits and choosing whole bread instead of white. In all dealings with diet, common sense must prevail. Fasting should be considered as a tool for cleansing the body, congestion, toxicity and overweight or obesity. Most people improve very quickly on this cleansing regime. The majority will also lose weight. In most cases there will be a 1 pound weight loss for every day of the diet. One pound per day loss is to be considered a very high weight loss and should be very noticeable. When this does not occur, further consideration must be given to specific nutritional and metabolic requirements. Bowel cleansing should be considered as a priority. A fruit, vegetable and juice cleansing diet is the most effective and is quite suitable and safe for most people. However experience has shown that a few extra food types can be added to the diet making the process much more comfortable without sacrificing any of the benefits. Sensible, basic, cleansing programmes would include:

Figure 9.1 * Brown rice * Almonds * Avocado in limited proportion
Brown rice .... up to one cooked cup per day
Almonds .... up to twenty per day
Avocado .... up to half a small avocado per day It is to be noted that the great advantage of brown rice is that it is neither acid forming nor alkalizing: it is neutral. Almonds are the only alkalising nuts. Avocados provide essential oils and, because of this they, become a source of essential fatty acids which assist with weight loss. Cleansing Reactions
Quite obviously this type of cleansing diet will do exactly that ... cleanse. That is its entire purpose. Most people will experience symptoms of detoxifying by day 2, especially if having come off stimulants like coffee and tea. Remember the value of distilled or filtered water in minimising such reactions in addition to 1-2 teaspoons of sodium ascorbate daily as a detoxifier

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Winning in Business

...Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit amet lorem vel dui lacinia blandit sed nec felis. Aliquam lectus ligula, vestibulum ac pretium sed, porta sed purus. Etiam faucibus pretium arcu viverra congue. Nulla lorem tellus, molestie at metus vitae, porta dapibus odio. Nam eget mattis velit, sed tempus urna. Cras et ligula in arcu consequat porttitor. Aliquam ac sodales diam. Suspendisse cursus quam nulla, id egestas est viverra vel. Curabitur id lorem odio. Morbi sapien diam, malesuada vel elit a, volutpat rutrum metus. Quisque a accumsan dui. Etiam vel varius nulla. Maecenas libero felis, mollis pulvinar lacinia ac, pellentesque sit amet ipsum. Quisque porta dui rhoncus mauris ornare rutrum. Praesent pulvinar in metus id mattis. Morbi ultrices ut libero a tempor. Nam auctor vehicula urna, sed volutpat ipsum laoreet eu. Aenean varius quam quis malesuada commodo. Etiam faucibus porttitor tellus, vitae euismod mauris blandit ac. Praesent vel congue leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus eu venenatis nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce laoreet neque eu nibh lacinia facilisis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi quam mauris, laoreet sit amet bibendum sit amet, consectetur quis magna. Sed aliquam eleifend arcu at molestie. Quisque convallis eleifend mi at tincidunt. Praesent ac eleifend justo, et porttitor elit. Proin elementum lectus...

Words: 351 - Pages: 2

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Winning the War for Talent

...Winning the War for Talent Tanya Iyer Winning the War for Talent The following paper gives you a few ways or strategies of organizations that want to attract, recruit and retain good talent. Major multinational corporations in the world are using the strategies mentioned in the paper successfully. There is also statistical data and empirically testable data to support this. In this day and age good talent is really difficult to find. In employment markets characterized by high competition, obtaining suitable human resources becomes increasingly problematic as the number of applicants per vacancy declines (Wilden, Gudergan, & Lings, 2010). There is so much competition and talent is rare. But how do you know which is the best for your company? More over once a company or a firm acquires the correct talent to retain this talent within the firm or company is becoming even more difficult nowadays. This constant struggle has turned into a fight. This fight is called the ‘war for talent’. Steven Hankin of Mckinsey & Company in 1997 coined the term war for talent (J.L.H.D, 2012). There are a few strategies that people or companies use to attract, recruit and retain talent in their firms. One of these strategies is ‘employer branding’. Employer branding is defined as the benefits of an organization that potential employees associate the organization with (Wilden, Gudergan, & Lings, 2010). With proper employer branding an organization can promote itself in such ways...

Words: 1712 - Pages: 7

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Winning Book Review

...Review of Winning by Jack Welch When former General Electric CEO Jack Welch reflected on the thousands of questions he has been asked over the years, he realized they could be summed up by one question, “What does it take to win” (Welch Pg.3). Welch believes when companies win, everybody wins and the world is a better place. In his book, Winning, Welch attempts to answer the question of what it takes to win. He uses his experience at General Electric, the experiences of close friends and other corporate examples to provide a detailed roadmap for creating the foundation and corporate culture required to obtain a competitive advantage and win. Welch outlines and details three central pillars to his winning formula: strong management philosophy, effective management, and a focus on competitive advantage. This review will discuss each of these three pillars and their key elements. Welch’s first pillar to winning is management philosophy. A company’s management philosophy forms the foundation of the company and is based on four principles: strong mission and resolute values, candor, voice and dignity and differentiation. The management philosophy and four principles are critical to the goal of winning as they are a recurring theme throughout the other two pillars. According to Welch, in order for a company to determine where it can profitably compete within an industry it needs a strong mission and resolute values. In defining a company’s mission and values, Welch cautions...

Words: 1179 - Pages: 5