Premium Essay

World War Ii - Italy


Submitted By djrm0517
Words 1684
Pages 7
World War II Research Paper - Italy
HST 114
November 2, 2015

World War II Research Paper - Italy

World War II was a continuation of discord in the world. Everyone wanted control and power and all were willing to fight to gain it. There were alliances formed that each nation felt, at the time, would give them more advantages and chances to be victorious. This essay will focus on Italy. It will trace totaliarism, evaluate the cause of World War II and Italy’s involvement. This essay will continue on to explain the Holocaust and Italy’s undertones, discuss new technology that was introduced, and the major leaders of Italy during those times.
Let’s begin with tracing totaliarism in Italy. Between the years of 1918 and 1939, Italy joined alliances with Germany and began being regarded as a fascist structure. Italy’s goal was a structure that we later defined as totalairism. By definition, totaliarism is when one man or group has total, absolute control of a nation (Grierder, 2007). In Italy, Prime Minister Bentio Mussolini and the fascist party had that type of absolute control of the government in Italy. One might as how is that possible with a nation as large of Italy. Well after World War I, the nation was depleted. They fought hard and well during World War I but didn’t receive the prizes or recognition they thought they would have received. Italy’s resources, capital and physical presences gave its all in World War I that they returned home to barely any resources. The citizens were suffering with famine, lack of money and a failing economy. All of these factors made the nation of Italy primed for submission and takeover to totalairism. Because the people needed a strong leader, the fascist stepped in at the right moment. Even the King, Victor Emmanuel, was ready to give the fascist control of the nation if it could possibly

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