Belonging Speech

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    As It Goes

    Max Rosen COMM 150 10 Things I Could Have Said Better I had to deliver a speech in the first person of someone in an important historical event of my choosing. I was excited because I was going to talk about storming the beaches of Normandy, but did not memorize my speech well enough and did not deliver it nearly as well as I was hoping I would. I decided to ask my junior date to prom through impromptu speaking, but when the time actually came I did not have the right words to say and she

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    Reflection on Culture Lesson

    also some essential words people over there use to communicate. When I was listening to my classmates’ speeches, I always compared my culture with their cultures so that I could be easier to understand their points. For example, in Natacha’s speech, I noticed that kissing cheek is very common among people to greet each other. It is totally different in Vietnam, where kissing is not accepted in public places. Thereby, I can avoid feeling embarrassed and being surprised if some friends from Congo

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    Informative Journal Assignment Speech Communication 1113 Assignment Overview This assignment requires that you identify and analyze the most effective and least effective elements of your informative speech. Approximate time needed to complete assignment: 2 hours Assignment Instruction 1. View the video recording of your informative speech, paying specific attention to the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of the content and delivery elements listed below. CHOOSE ONLY FROM THE ELEMENTS LISTED

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    properly prepared. The stage fright or speech anxiety felt by many speakers is due to not knowing enough about the speaking environment or the audience. The more you know about your speaking environment and your audience, the more relaxed you will be when delivering your speech. Many speakers, however, often overlook the need to include any kind of audience analysis as part of their speech preparation. Proper audience analysis will assure that you give the right speech to the right audience. Most professional

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    Effective Elevator Sppech

    effective elevator speech First: why is this kind of public speaking called elevator speech? Well, because it gives you the opportunity to explain what your company does, and what it means to an investor or customer in the time it takes in a lift to ride to the floor of destination. Therefore this business speech is: * absolutely not longer than 25 to 30 seconds * or - in words - approximately 80 to 90 words * or - in sentences - 8 tot 10 sentences The goals of this type of speech presentation

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    new to me. Moreover, I was a shy girl. My teacher selected me for the speech. It was a competition. My topic was “Family v/s Career.” So many things there in my mind were scaring. First thing was, “what am I going to say?” Second think was, “how will I speak in front of that huge audience?” Last think was, “everyone will make a fun of me.” I had two weeks to prepare. My mom and my instructor helped me with preparing my speech. The day of completion came. The completion was in the school’s private

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    Light and Happines

    into Shakopee Family/economic situations of unfamiliar people Interesting histories of classmates Appreciation of variety of students Anyone can take Public Speaking All sorts of academic backgrounds, struggles Different perspectives (debate speech) Tran: “It’s always good to get to know people. But it’s even better when you know those people support you.” Confidence Positive feedback from peers Applause and cheers for

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    how to be confident after I became aware of the absence of social circle I saw around other kids my age. My mother enrolled me for a speech competition against my will. I was terrified with the idea of speaking in front of hundreds of other people. My father helped me write my speech. Ironically I was going to talk about confidence building. When the date of speech came nearer I panicked and kept forgetting my lines. My teacher guided me to practice before a mirror, it helped but not enough to calm

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    Attention Skills

    Nottinghamshire County Council Education Inclusion Support Service Speech and Language Therapy Children’s Services Attention Levels and Strategies (based on Cooper, Moodley and Reynell, 1978) Attention Level Level 1: 0-1 year Child very distractible. Attention fleeting. Effect on Language Child cannot attend to what you say Strategies  Discover child's motivators  Incorporate into preferred activity, eg, dinosaurs in sand tray/dinosaur colouring sheet/Thomas books in reading corner own

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    Figurative Versus Literal Language

    as Mitt Romney is to ignorance. Metaphor: A figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. The weather was so heavy on Saturday, it was raining cats and dogs, is an example of a metaphor. We use this metaphor to explain that it was raining heavily. We do not mean that cats and dogs were falling out of the sky. Simile: A simile is a figure of speech where two unlike things are compared, generally by using

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