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15 Descriptions


Submitted By alexispertilla
Words 2018
Pages 9
Student learning outcomes are a very important part of any training activity (video, presentation, power point, role playing, etc.), because if the training program is not effective, then students/trainees will not learn. The training methods used and the delivery style and appearance of the trainer significantly impact student learning outcomes. Training environment is also very important because there must not be distractions or uncomfortable surroundings. A good trainer must connect with the audience, engage people, effectively deliver information and meet the objectives of the training program. To ensure that I understood “student learning outcomes,” I researched this topic on multiple web-sites, including ones from the University of Washington, Ohio University, the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, California State University and Carnegie Mellon University. I also reviewed our text book to be sure elements of what we have learned throughout this course were incorporated, as well as the use of appropriate verbs for training objectives and learning outcomes (p. 86). I watched 14 training videos on YouTube and also included my own basic training experience at Fort Sill with the Georgia National Guard.

Army Basic Training: In my three month basic training program for the Georgia National Guard at Fort Sill, OK., we learned a range of skills from shooting guns to physical fitness to discipline to caring for our uniforms. There also were some top tips outside of the actual training that really stuck with me. These tips include: 1.Theminimum isn’t going to cut it. 2.) Set your standards high, because the standards are high when it comes to basic training. 3.) Pay your bills on time. The world doesn’t stop spinning when you’re in basic training and your bills still need to be paid. If you neglect your bills, they will most likely go to

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Rhetorical Mode

...Explain when or why each rhetorical mode is used. Structure Explain what organizational method works best with each rhetorical mode. Tips Provide two tips for writing in each rhetorical mode. Narration Narration is used to tall a story. The best organizational method is to place examples in chronligical order. 1. Focus on a single event and elinate unimportant details. 2. Use reporters questions such as; Who? What? Where? When? Why? And How? Illustration Illustration demonstrates a point using examples. Use examples to make your point in the strongest and clearest way possible. 1. You should use evidence to support your examples. 2. Make sure concepts that readers are already familiar with are not overly explained. Description Description is creating a picture in words for you reader using sensory details. Organize from specific to general – working from details up to the main idea. 1. You should try yo use all five senses. 2. You should use as many details as possible. Classification Classification is dividing topics into smaller subgroups. You can organize by placing items from important to least important. 1. You should divide topics into categories that do not overlap. 2. Always take a que from categories you are explaining. Process analysis Process analysis describes how something happens or works. Information can be organized in a chronological order. 1. It is best to know your audience. 2. You should always use clear explanations. Definition Definition...

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...Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are various methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least two tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. | |Purpose |Structure |Tips | |Rhetorical mode |Explain when or why each |Explain what organizational method works |Provide two tips for writing | | |rhetorical mode is used. |best with each rhetorical mode. |in each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |The purpose of narrative writing |A strong narrative essay, containing |--Phrases and words related to| | |is an extensive form or |details of the setting, characters, and |the human senses attract the | | |storytelling. It can either be |situations relevant to the conflict of the|audience’s attention. | | |factual or fictional; it depends |story to engage the audience. It gives the| | | |on the purpose of the author, such|audience a vivid illustration of what is |--Minor characters help | | |as biographies or memoirs. |occurring. An essay of this nature is...

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