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365 assignment代写之 Case Study of Omega for Organization Behavior
发布者:365 Assignment 发布时间:2014-11-18

Case Study of Omega for Organization Behavior

Executive Summary

There is a relationship among the management system established by the corporate leaders, the management methods used by the directors, the organizational structure and the evaluation from the managers to the subordinates and the staff (Hung-Wen & Ching-Hsiang, 2009). The relationship is put forward by Adam • Smith who was the British bourgeois classical economist. In 1776, the theory emerged in his most important literature which was named Wealth of Nations. The theory holds the view that all human behavior is to satisfy the self-interest (Hung-Wen & Ching-Hsiang, 2009). Actually people should strive for the maximum economic benefit and working is to obtain economic returns. For this reason, the employees’ attitude that plays the role as the inner motivation of the work will makes a great impact on the perceptions and judgments on the work (Boardman & Sundquist, 2008). What is more, the employees’ attitude also will promote their learning knowledge and improve the endurance in the work. As a result, the self-motivation has more spiritual strength than the spontaneous working from the employees. In fact, the employees who are working with the self-motivation can run themselves up (Boardman & Sundquist, 2008). Their attitude towards the work is the completed devotion into the job and a mission which is being not able to shirk the work and doing not applying for any remuneration (Boardman & Sundquist, 2008). Therefore, the purpose to pay more attention on the relationship between the work

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