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A Peaceful Evacuation


Submitted By mysterja
Words 1071
Pages 5
A Peaceful Evacuation
BUS 518–Project Management Leadership
Strayer University
WinterQuarter of 2015

Introduction A peaceful evacuation of the Gaza strip was the primary focus of Israeli Prime Minister Sharon. In order to accomplish this mission the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel were solicit by the Prime Minister Sharon. The leadership style of both Yaron and Daniels will be described and a comparison will be made to explain the pros and cons to their leadership styles. The use of Jung theory will help explain the interrelationship and how the personality and leadership styles might enhance or hinder their team performance in this case study..
The leadership style of Lieutenant Colonel Yaron
I found the leadership style of Lieutenant Colonel Yaron would best be described as Participative Style. The traits of this style are: team member ideas are equal with the leader, everyone’s input is considered, leader is team facilitator who frequently accepts the team’s ideas over his/her own ( Yaron displays this behavior during the process of assembling his battalion. Three leadership actions and behaviors for Yaron was first his involvement with the company commanders and platoon commander to identify individuals who were not suitable for the mission. Secondly, Yaron worked with his commanders focusing on the routine operations required to prepare the new battalions. Third, Yaron solicits the help of his soldiers, asking them to describe the most serious event that he thought might take place during the evacuation. The pro to each of these behaviors are that it creates an open line of communication from the top to the bottom of the operation. This behavior empowers not only Yaron but the soldiers that follow his command. The con to this behavior is that Yaron did not

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