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A Pragmatic Analysis of English Humor in Jokes


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A Pragmatic Analysis of English Humor in jokes


Looking back at the history, humorous language and behaviour had been treated as frivolous, ludicrous, and even evil. However, with the development of social civilization, people have gradually realized that humour actually is indispensable for our monotonous and regular life. Humour is embodied in operas, movies, writings, conversations, etc. And the most common type is humorous conversations. In many pragmatics books, lots of humorous conversations can be found, which are employed to analyze pragmatics. So we can see that humour and pragmatics are closely connected. However, papers about humorous language with a pragmatic view are comparatively only a few. Besides, most of them only focus on certain aspects of pragmatics, for example, cooperative principle. Based on the main parts of pragmatics, this paper does a comparatively detailed research on the humorous language in English conversations. At the beginning of the thesis, some popular definitions of humour are compared and a conclusion is made. Then humour is classified into four types and its functions in the social interaction are specified.
Key Words: English Humour; Conversational implicature; Violation; Humorous effects

摘 要

回望历史,幽默的语言和行为都被视为琐屑无聊,很可笑,和甚至邪恶。然而,随着社会文明的发展,人们逐渐认识幽默实际上是为我们的单调和定期生活不可或缺。幽默被体现在歌剧、 电影、 文字、 对话等。最常见的类型是幽默的交谈。 在许多语用学书籍,大量的幽默对话可以被发现,是用来分析语用学。所以我们可以看到幽默和语用学紧密相连的。然而,关于幽默的语言与语用的视图文件是相对较少。此外,绝大多数人只专注于某些方面的语用学,例如,合作原则。基于语用学的主要部分,本文做了较为详细的研究在英语会话幽默的语言。



Abstract I
摘 要 II
1 An Introduction to Humour 1 1.1 Definitions of Humour 1 1.2 Classification of Humour 3 1.3 Functions of Humour 5
2 Traditional Theories on Humor 9 2.1 Superiority Theory 9 2.2 Relief Theory 10 2.3 Incongruity Theory 12 2.4 Summary of Humour Theories 13
3 The Pragmatic Analysis of English Humor 15 3.1 Conversational Implicature in English Humour 15 3.2 PP in English Humour 18 3.3 Presupposition in English Humour 19
4 Conclusion 20
References 22

1 An Introduction to Humour

1.1 Definitions of Humour

On the humor, there is a lot of research, but so far there is no precise definition, humorous recognized academic fields. Some commonly used here to review existing definitions below. In the Oxford English Dictionary, the "humor" is "Quality is funny or comedy" or "appreciation of things, situations or those comics; the ability to be a competent person pastime." In Webster's New World Dictionary of American English, it is "a) kind of character, called for a sense of ridiculous or absurd disproportionate; b) Department of Psychology, found that the expression, or enjoy the ridiculous or absurd disproportionate; c) things, it is possible to design a funny or interesting. " Rick Walton humor theory for twenty years more than fifty children humor books. He concluded that there is no threat or promise humorous surprise. According to his theory, everyone has expectations of how the world works, when something happens in the opposite expectation, people are surprised. And along the surprise must lack threat. For example, if a girl walking in a dark street, a robber was shocked, she was surprised, but she does not find the situation amusing. In addition, when an unexpected display of commitments to meet the hopes and solve the problem, they are satisfied, happy, or too happy, but they do not really find it funny. For example, a person buy sports lottery, and two weeks later someone called him and told him he was the winner of one million yuan. It is a surprise? Yes, but this is not funny. When the archaeologists found the tomb of the ancient Wang Zhaoguo when a student discovered a new way to solve math problems, there is a surprise, but there is no sense of humor. Therefore, we can conclude that not every surprise is humorous, but each has a surprise humor, that is, you expect something suddenly. Warren Shibles, a philosophy professor at the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater, need humor from thought was wrong or harmful, but which is not a bad view. This, then, would produce laughter and body feel good. According to this definition, when someone feels that there is a mistake in some other vocal or physical behavior, he may feel funny. Here's error may be inconsistent with the concept of normal behavior between. For example, Why does an elephant wear a pair of red socks? Because his yellow ones are in the wash. The joke is beyond our normal concepts. We do not think that elephants should wear socks. So the answer is beyond our expectations. We find it very funny, because we believe that it is unrealistic and absurd logic. But once the mistake appears to be harmful it is no longer funny. For example, we laugh if someone stepped on a banana peel, but stop laughing if his injured leg. All in all, these first two sources emphasize two aspects: First, the language or languages of humor as other forms of behavior or induce or amused laugh. Second, understanding, appreciation, and the ability to create humor. The last two reasons for a deeper study of the definition of humor appears to do. Both show the difference between our expectations and reality is that you need to create humor. However, we should note that under different circumstances, other factors as a person's education level, geographic location, or mature mood may affect the achievement of humor. Thus, one finds some rather humorous, and another not at all funny feeling. By another strong may still feel humiliated. This article is confined to the field of linguistics, so the above conditions do not give special consideration to the study.

1.2 Classification of Humour

We generally think that humor is really laughable, it should be positive rather than a negative. However, although the normal body fluids are usually interesting and hurt anyone, and many of them do have aggressive. We live in a society in a lot of other people. Either consciously or unconsciously, we always try to people around me, coordinate and adjust our social status, according to our purpose. Humor often used as increase a person's social status, to fight an intellectual battle weapons or intelligence; preparation or as a way to achieve their own benefit, enhance personal relationships. Based on this view, one of the current popular view in the academic field are classified into four types of humor.

1.2.1 Affiliative Humour

Affiliative drive humor to make people laugh, to enhance a person's relationships with others are relatively benign way of self-acceptance. Use humor affiliated driving force might joke with others, and have the ability to make others laugh. Light humorous dialogue happen in our daily lives are such a large number. For example: "Hey, why do you take bread and a knife whenever you go to downtown?" "Well, it's because of the report of a traffic jam." "Jam" has a double meaning here. Of course, we know that "traffic jam" from the "jam" for bread literal meaning is very different. But in reply deliberately comic required text. Like humor does not hurt to let anyone and everyone thought it was funny.

1.2.2 Self-enhancing Humour

Sometimes with a sense of humor to enhance self-tolerance and non-harmful way to others. Improve self-humor is intended to reduce feelings of personal pressure by changing situations. People need a sense of superiority, for someone or something in this kind of humor, easily amused. Improve the humor associated with the behavior, including being ridiculous self-life, and make themselves up in spirits and humor amused. For example: Waiter: Tea or coffee, gentlemen? 1 st customer: I'll have tea. 2nd customer: Me, too. And be sure the glass is clean! (Waiter exits, returns) Waiter: Two teas. Which one asked for the clean glass? This is a typical example of humor, absurd. We laugh because the waiter did not realize in his reply can mean anything. Thus, the unconscious or attendant advantages of increased satisfaction. This humor is also prevalent in the third person or a nation laugh and appear in real life or movies and some clumsy and ridiculous acts joke.

1.2.3 Aggressive Humour

Aggressive humor is satire, manipulate, belittle or demean, can work in costs and damages relationships with others. In reality, aggressive humor will include ironic joke or tease others for their mistakes and lack of how others will respond to the concerns of a joke. For example: Hotel Clerk: I hope you enjoyed your stay with us, sir. Departing Guest: Ah in bed too hard, and the price is too high, the food is bad, the service is too slow, and too much noise, but anyway, I certainly like your ice. The last sentence of this response the whole discourse of humor, but apparently the hotel staff aggressive humor.

1.2.4 Self-defeating Humour

With excessive self-defeating self-deprecating humor or flatter. From the aggressive humor is that it can be used in different costs and damages, to make people laugh, to improve the relationship between the Self and Others. Humorous examples, self-defeating to seek to accept other people say interesting things on their own mistakes, shortcomings or defects. For example: A: Did you book the ticket for the flight? B: Yes. But I should have booked 2. A:Why? Somebody else will go with you? B:I'm not sure if one seat can handle my weight. B in this example exaggerates his weight. This type of humor to make fun of themselves raise very often hear people's daily lives laughter.

1.3 Functions of Humour

There are public prejudices humor is not important, even boring. Sense of humor is not received until most people even today. But if people pay attention to their actual behavior, that they actually value and experience, they will observe the humor in our lives is usually the most important thing. If one of the things he wants, but the lack of humor, his world will still be boring. Imagine, for example, marriage or work, without any sense of humor, and they will not tolerate oppression. Humor to provide people with their quality of life. It is believed to involve adjustment, happiness, hope, intelligence, joy and love. Here, some of the main uses humor to classify.

1.3.1 Amusement Provision and Relationship Improvement

The basic function of providing humorous entertainment. Humor can bring laughter and smiles, gives a lot of pleasure. Humor is invisible bridge to shorten the gap between people. It helps make communication more successful. In many cases, the purpose of humor is now becoming increasingly used for communication. In everyday communication, it can never be welcome. The most humorous people are his people, the most curious, keen observation and reflection of mind, who have experienced their mind to be able to exercise vigilance and stored in the mind springing from one point to another one point. Menon pointed out, humorous person is considered more interesting and intelligent. Today, the pressure from our society has become bigger, and it must be all armed intense challenge. So they tend to like to be with those who always have a good sense of humor, you can find some fun, laugh a break.

1.3.2 Tension Relaxation

We may have this experience-When we meet new people, usually in the first two sides are not so outspoken, or even a little nervous to each other. So if you introduce a sense of humor, and fully aware of the atmosphere of conversation will immediately become easier. Former US President Abraham Lincoln is well known that he has a sense of humor. When he went to the interview, he usually begins with a joke or a funny story, it is not only broke the deadlock, and soon also help relax tense tourists. In addition, people suffering from a rapport before and understand with a new person, they may use humor to alleviate their sense of threat, and let each other know that they are not a threat. Thus the communication is improved.

1.3.3 Self-esteem Defence

As it happens one might be mocked, either intentionally or unintentionally. Appropriate humor can not only prevent potential conflicts, but also appropriate to defend human dignity. Here is a story once taking place between George Bernard Shaw and Winston Churchill: Before the opening of his new play Haior Barbara, George Bernard Shaw telegrammed Winston Churchill. Have reserved two tickets for first night. Come and bring a friend if you have one. Bernard Shaw's words imply Churchill joke but no friends, and Churchill's answer, said Shaw's play bad, you can not have the opportunity for another performance, which successfully defended their dignity, in addition, appropriate counter.

1.3.4 Physical Health Contribution

Humor can induce laughter and happy mood. It is recognized that when a person with physical or mental illness or a real good mood laughter can be the best medicine. Through the years a large number of experimental studies, the researchers verified exposure to humor has many beneficial effects, lower blood pressure, reduce stress and improve the immune system. In the medical field, the humor is also widely used to help treat his patients to doctors. For example, dentists are trained to use humor to reduce their fear of the patient. From the above, we can see the humor to people's mental and physical life of these two huge benefits. This chapter introduces the basics of the definition of humor humorous, classification and function. In the next chapter, will specify the traditional theory of humor.

2 Traditional Theories on Humor

There are many views on humor theory of classification. Some scholars have pointed out that kind of humor more than 100 kinds of theories, and the traditional concept of reducing the prevalence of humor theory into three groups. They are the incongruity, relief and advantage theory.

2.1 Superiority Theory

Advantage theory suggests that when one senses a sudden advantage by seeing the faults of others things, to produce humor. Both forms can be advantages to claims based on humor theory: (1) strong demand to hold humor involves an advantage, and (2) a weak suggestion of superiority claims often find humor in many situations. Plato (427-348 BC years) is considered to be the study of humor into the first great philosopher lot of effort. Although humor is considered not serious, do not attach to that time, the importance of the philosophy of the founders did not bypass this problem. His comments prove a negative attitude. Plato saw no good sense of humor. In vain, he tried to expose the pleasure and pain of resentment that a mixture of entertainment. Those tend to consider themselves more laughter rich, handsome, and smarter than they are in real life. Plato believes humor is a negative phenomenon, because this emotion-based vicious and jealous, and another, or laughed at, especially in laughter caused difficulties or disasters, lower status or privileges. Aristotle (384-322 BC years) seen as a form of education received snob joke. He pointed out that the two main features of humor: absurd can be defined as an error or deformity does not produce pain or harm to others. In comedy, the audience despised character, because it presents the main virtues of smaller than, or "who is poor." Audience. "Preposterous," according to Aristotle, this is a failure or damage caused by a piece of ugliness without pain. And Plato, Aristotle allows humor in limited quantities, might be beneficial. That is, humor can relax and temporary easements. However, on this basis, Plato and Aristotle on the nature of humor do not make a clear statement that these two views of superiority. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) developed Plato and Aristotle's view that laughter is related to social status and advantages of a person in one's peers. In Leviathan (1660), Hobbes wrote that human beings are in a constant power struggle, victory should not be surprising to people who smile. He also said that laughter is nothing but a sudden passion caused by some brilliant Sharp (excellent) themselves, others suddenly concept by relatively weak (weakness) or with our own previous (before early age). However, the advantage is far below the accepted theory. Some think that the feeling of superiority is not a prerequisite of humor. For example, you see the sleeping cat with its four legs widely extended, can be considered funny clear advantages involved. If not a necessary condition for the superiority of humor, they enough? The answer is still "no." People can feel better than a lot of things, dogs, cats, trees, etc., were not amused. And their duller actions will make nobody feel better about himself.

2.2 Relief Theory

Relief theory attempts to describe and tension release of humor. The two most prominent theorist Herbert Spencer relief (1820-1903) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). You can consider two versions of the relief theory: (1) strong version considered excessive energy release; the results of all the laughter (2) weak version claims that it is often humorous laughter relates to a release of tension or energy cases. Half of the nineteenth century, the Herbert Spencer once again become a laughter-induced structural analysis of the situation. According to Spencer, laughter can cause a relationship, not always pleasant (ironically, hysterical laughter). Strong emotions, such as excitement or mental energy anxiety caused by tension. This energy is trying to escape, but the easiest way to do this is through those muscles, such as the mouth muscles, bionic muscles, sound equipment and respiratory muscle tissue. If these channels proved insufficient to release tension energy, the use of other means of escape, and the entire body began to shake in convulsions. This is the laughter, the emotions triggered by a simple mechanism. Sigmund Freud development of laughter, this is Spencer's theory plus a new process of relief theory restated better version. In the "joke and its relationship to the unconscious" (1905), he reached the following conclusions: witty fun stems from the inhibition of economic thought from spending or economic costs and expenses from the economic sense of humor in the comics. He describes three different sources of laughter joke, comic, and humor- some of it relates to mental energy savings row through laughter. Joking, energy will be saved and used for repressive hostility, and can be released in laughter. In the comics, the cognitive effort to resolve the legacy of intellectual challenge, can be released. Humor comes to the emotional energy savings. What emotion excited because the situation turns out to be that we should not take seriously something serious emotional reactions, energy is established can then be released. Laughter theory does not provide relief our way to distinguish from non-humorous humor laughter laughter. Sometimes people release tension humor and laughter are not connected. In addition, relief theorists mistakenly believe that since the release of psychic energy tend to think of physical movement, any movement of the body should be interpreted as excess nervous energy.

2.3 Incongruity Theory

Incongruity theory of humor, focusing on the most important objects of humor theory. The term "incompatible" is widely used, including vague logical impossibility, insignificant, impropriety. In this article, the incongruity will support key points about humor pragmatic analysis. In rhetoric, Aristotle proposed humor, says the best way to amuse the audience laugh is to establish an expectation and delivered to a distortion of what the first faint incongruity theory. "Twisted" means absurd or different expectations, which the audience can be surprised and get something fun. Although relief theorist Herbert Spencer, he did not dislodge the incongruity theory, we propose a funny situation, people expect a lot, and find some small. This so-called descending incongruity. In the opposite case, rather than a few small things, people suddenly discovered a big thing, if he could elevate a sense of incongruity. Immanuel Kant (1724 -1804) "gives the uncoordinated action of humor was clearly stated:" In the Critique of Pure Reason stimulate lively laugh at everything that must have some ridiculous things (in which understanding, So you can find dissatisfied). " Laughter is expected to cause intense feelings of sudden transition into nothing. For example, when we hear a story of a human hair, said: To become gray in one night from too much grief, we do not find it very funny, even if we do not believe this story (the transition to the opposite). On the other hand, we would laugh if the man in the story is so sad his wig turned gray (transition to what). Kant believed that a good joke must contain our initial take is true, briefly deceive us, and disappear into nothingness next moment something. This is the mechanism, sparking laughter. Here's something absurd regularly. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 --1860) has developed into a so-called "ridiculous theory" uncoordinated. According to him, laughing and expect certain things like inconsistencies abstractions or behavior between people from identifying the physical. Successfully identified absurd and identify non-correspondence between the conceptual and practical thing is the cause of laughter. However, Kant, Schopenhauer and other theorists are not able to explain the inconsistencies of the most important things: Why is not always funny absurd; what difference does a funny sense of humor with absurd figure. The incongruity theory is far too broad, it will be very interesting, it is inadequate because it does not distinguish between non-humorous incongruity is inconsistent with the basic.

2.4 Summary of Humour Theories

Three different schools of humor theories discussed in the previous section, every aspect of the theory reveals a common, if not necessary, humor. It is misleading, put these theories as a competitor. In fact, in each category theorists focus on different issues. For example, the advantages of theorists tend to focus on what the feelings are what is needed is a sense of humor, or why people find something interesting. Relief theorists tend to focus on the function of humor serve human life. Most talk about humorous incongruity theory object to what people think, or rather funny answer questions. The main differences between these schools is that they tend to think that a problem is more humorous than other basic research. This paper is the study of humor and pragmatic view. Unlike any traditional theory, this article will attempt to specify how the relationship between humor reflect pragmatic maxim and what between them. The following two chapters are the main part of the paper. Chapter 3 will answer the question: What is pragmatics, especially humorous analysis of those parts of this study contribute to it? Chapter 4 will result in the actual analysis pragmatics of conversation humor.

3 The Pragmatic Analysis of English Humor

n the face of the chapter describes some basic knowledge about the humor, humor theory and pragmatics. As the most important part of this article, in particular Chapter 4 analyzes the sample through a lot, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of English humor pragmatic effect is reflected in the English language with a humorous effect.

3.1 Conversational Implicature in English Humour

The former may reflect or the hearer in a particular situation and in a particular context, the calculation of the latter, it may lead to humorous effect. English humor in each one maxim violation will be discussed below. Depending on the number of the first points of the maxim,, when people talk to others that they should make a contribution to the transcript information needed to proceed. However, people do not always stand to the rules and they are too simple answer is sometimes confused or mislead the hearer, becomes a source of humor is happening where.
(1) Kid: I et seven biscuits for breakfast this morning. Mom: Ate. Kid: Ok, maybe it was eight.… In this talk, the children make mistakes in pronunciation and pronounced "et" for "eat" and mother trying to correct this error. He said the mother was too short, and it thought the child and his mother took him to lie, because "eat" and "eight" has the same pronunciation. If the mother to complete this sentence: "'prime' is wrong, you should say that I 'eat' seven biscuit", the child does not respond to it, and therefore will not create humorous effect.
(2) Bill: I have a dog Lily: Oh, is it a poodle? Bill: No Lily: A shepherd dog? Bill: No. Lily: What kind? Bill: A hot dog. Obviously, Bill is deliberately uncooperative in their conversation. We can see that he made a topic, but only gave a very short answer, no more explanation. But his simple answer cause more curiosity from the hearer, and wanted to know what kind of dog it is on Earth. Bill's final answer is Lily's expectations. This caused the number of violations of the listener's expectations, while expected to be broken, to produce humor.
When Peters learned that he was being fired, he went to see the head of human resources. "Since I've been with the firm for so long," he said, "I think I deserve at least a letter of recommendation." Head of human resources is actually reluctant to write a letter of recommendation, Peters, but in order not to threaten. Peter's face in front of him, or we might say, does not violate the principle of politeness, the head did not directly reject Peters, but rather provides a very short message is not necessary or desired information, which is conducive to Peters find another job. The last one: "When he left us, we are very satisfied," sounds like a compliment, but we can see what it really means, "We are very happy because he left".
(4) Man: do you have a family? Woman: Yes, I have one son. Man: Oh, really? Does he smoke? Woman: No, he's never touched a cigarette. Man: That's good. I don't smoke either. Tobacco is very bad for one's health. And does your son drink wine? Woman: Oh, no. He's never drunk a drop of it. Man: Then I congratulate you, Ma'am. And does he ever come home late at night? Woman: No, never. He goes to bed immediately after dinner every night. Man: Well, he is a wise young man. How old is he? Woman: He's six month old.
(5) First Manufacturer: How's business? Second Manufacturer: Picking up a little. One of our men got a$50,000 order yesterday. First Manufacturer: Go away. I don't believe that. Second Manufacturer: Honest he did-I'll show you the cancellation. In both (4) and (5) of the side at the beginning of misunderstanding because of its interlocutor does not provide sufficient information necessary. When the end provides the necessary information to create humorous effect. (4) was the first meeting between the two passengers conversation on the train. The man tried to start conversations question "Do you have a family," and soon they focus on the theme of the woman's son. If the woman tells the man very beginning, "I have a son who is six months", where the only stop talking. Or suppose when a man asked, "He does not smoke," the woman added, "No, he was six months old," talk does not lead to a humorous effect, the last, either. On the one hand, this woman does not tell people that her son was just a child. On the other hand, focuses on a man who acts without asking his age. They are in violation of the first points of the maxim of quantity, and misunderstandings because of the lack of information leads to humor. (5), the second manufacturer replied: "Less picking", which means "my business will be better." So first he said he misunderstood the manufacturer really get such large orders. The second manufacturer if his first reply: "But then cancel the order," the first one manufacturer would not doubt his words. Then there will be no sense of humor.

3.2 PP in English Humour

Politeness principle is often considered during a conversation when the speaker believes his words might threaten his interlocutor's face. In the last part of this chapter, politeness principle is also involved in the discussion of the way when a violation. Comply with the principles of courtesy and contempt it can produce comic effect.
(1) Hotel Clerk: I hope you enjoyed your stay with us, sir.
Departing Guest: Well, the bed was too hard, the price was too high, the food was lousy, the service was slow, there's too much noise, but anyway, I certainly enjoyed your ice water. Of course, guests are very satisfied with the hotel. When he replies Clerk, he might simply say: "No, I do not like where the fundamental", but he spoke more, pointing out that he does not like every aspect, which is very detailed and convincing and strongly showed his dissatisfaction. In its reply to the last, he seems to respond to the Clerk said, but apparently it's just ironic that implies almost everything in the hotel is not satisfactory. When the speaker does not want to threaten another person's face, he would take a polite way of talking. But if used improperly polite, or find the meaning of words, seemingly polite way would be humorous, sometimes sarcastic. And at last, the husband frankly admitted his wife may have trouble men. In these examples, you can see people sometimes make fun of those close to them, and only those who can tolerate it impolite. However, in our daily life, people do need that sense of humor because it brings more fun and relieve boredom of everyday life.

3.3 Presupposition in English Humour

English humor, sometimes, words can speak to other people's expectations, to cancel the premise that appear in their conversation. So cancel the preset produce comedy. For example:
(1) Reporter: Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western Civilization? Gandhi: I think that it would be a very good idea. In this example, the reporter's question is a prerequisite for the existence of Western civilization. But Gandhi's answer to the cancellation of the presets and tools, "This is a very good idea to establish a civilization in Western countries," which means "presence is no civilization in Western countries." We know that Gandhi (1869 -1948) was a leader of the Indian national liberation movement, he said it also cleverly ironic humor brutal British colonial rule.
(2) Husband: Well, I finally got the car fixed. Now it will start. Wife: How much did it cost? Husband: Only two dollars. Wife: That's not bad. What was wrong with it? Husband: It needed gas. Husband using "fixed", causing the car had some problems, and "only" strengthen the preset preconditions. Under normal circumstances, to repair the car should be quite expensive so of course his wife that "this is not bad." But "it needs gas" at the end of the cancellation of the original preset and the original car is good, only to run out of petrol. Apparently, her husband opened a joke, and his wife. When you read the first example, may be through with his second thought he could achieve humor and meaning. The second example is a light humor, you can immediately make a smile. This reflects the humor by eliminating pre-human movement unconventional and creative and enjoyable our lives.

4 Conclusion

According to the authors of the study so far, although there have been several studies of humor theory since long before, dating back to 400 BC, in fact, it did not receive special attention until this century. Especially on the humor of the language not only developed more than 20 years. To view the study of this problem, there tend to analyze the effect of humor or humor pragmatic pragmatic features and some files. More ways it relates to pragmatics, add more rhetorical successfully connect them with violating the principles of cooperation maxims and explains how to create a humorous effect through these devices. Because this paper focuses on the humor of the pragmatic, the authors therefore confined to the English verbal humor or humorous conversation topics. At the end of this article, the author wants to say, no one is born with humor. People can learn to be humor from their parents, friends, books, or even to school, if possible. More and more people have realized the importance of humor, though has been less attention to formal education in our society since the emergence of human civilization. Fortunately, in the academic field, more scholars from different aspects have begun to keen on this area. Perhaps one day, in our universities, have a college education to establish a sense of humor. In addition to learning the history and theory of humor in different fields, students will learn how to more effectively use them in real life.


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...Confirming and Disconfirming Communication ImproVIng your Verbal communIcaTIon skIlls “I” Statements Become Aware of the Power of Language The IndIVIdual, Verbal communIcaTIon, and socIeTy 88 “ The verbal elements of communication are the foundation on which meaning is created. When I took a trip to Britain, I thought people would speak with a “British accent.” I didn’t realize that there are many different accents and the differences are not just pronunciation, but also vocabulary. In order to get my message across, I learned to avoid using slang words as much as I could. I didn’t realize how much American slang I use in my everyday speech! Despite the many different ways of speaking English across the UK, I felt the way that I speak English made me stick out as an American. W hen we think of “communication,” we tend to think about the verbal elements of communication: the words people choose, the accents they speak with, and the meanings they convey through language. We frequently don’t consider the ways in which verbal communication assists or hinders relationship development, as illustrated in the opening example, or its effect on the creation of identities. In this chapter we will...

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Leadership Styles

...through relating words with concepts like the word ‘silence’ which is a sign of communication that is indicative of meaning and it is ideological, it is also power to talk. Sign theory is an eccentric war of communication. It focuses on the discourse analysis where it focuses on language, power and ideology. Intelligence services are a key component of every state and their mandate is to ensure the security of states and they make use of the sign theory to supply the policy makers with information or intelligence which is fundamental in the policy making process. Evaluation and analysis’ role is to cast information into its proper intelligence framework and in the process minimising being biased. If evaluation and analysis is quality the intelligence given to policy makers will help policy makers to come up with quality policies and if the evaluation and analysis is poor obviously the policy makers will come up with ineffective policies. There are repercussions if intelligence services fail to analyse. Sign theory help in deductive, inductive and abductive types of reasoning. In this discourse I will define the sign theory, evaluation, analysis, four tools of analysis and the implications of sign theory to evaluation and analysis as a process which is scientific, logical, methodological and verifiable. Theory is a term that is misused and used in academics cycles. Du Ploy (2008) defines a theory as an abstract generalization that seeks to explain a phenomena. A theory provides...

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The Study of Language

...the major concepts in language study – from how children learn language to why men and women speak differently, through all the key elements of language. This fourth edition has been revised and updated with twenty new sections, covering new accounts of language origins, the key properties of language, text messaging, kinship terms and more than twenty new word etymologies. To increase student engagement with the text, Yule has also included more than fifty new tasks, including thirty involving data analysis, enabling students to apply what they have learned. The online study guide offers students further resources when working on the tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the study of language. George Yule has taught Linguistics at the Universities of Edinburgh, Hawai’i, Louisiana State and Minnesota. He is the author of a number of books, including Discourse Analysis (with Gillian Brown, 1983) and Pragmatics (1996). “A genuinely introductory linguistics text, well suited for undergraduates who have little prior experience thinking descriptively about language. Yule’s crisp and thought-provoking presentation of key issues works well for a wide range of students.” Elise Morse-Gagne, Tougaloo College “The Study of Language is one of the most accessible and entertaining introductions to linguistics available. Newly updated with a wealth of material for practice and discussion, it will continue to inspire...

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Unfamiliar Words a to Z

...PROJECT IN ENGLISH 2 UNFAMILIAR WORDS Submitted by: John Patrick Sese Submitted to: Ms. Lorna Sacyang A Abase - behave in a way so as to belittle or degrade (someone). Example: I watched my colleagues abasing themselves before the board of trustees Abate - (of something perceived as hostile, threatening, or negative) become less intense or widespread. Example: The storm suddenly abated. Abdicate - fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty). Example: The government was accused of abdicating its responsibility. Aberrant - straying from the normal or right way. Example: John’s aberrant behavior is going to get him in a lot of trouble one of these days. Aberration - deviating from what is normal or desirable, not typical. Example: Since I did not properly adjust my camera settings, all of my pictures have a blurry aberration on them. Abet - to encourage or support a behavior or action. Example: The photo editing software is sure to abet my odds of winning the photo competition. Abeyance - a state of temporary disuse or suspension. Example: Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport. Abhor - to reject something very strongly; hate. Example: We abhor violence against others and respect everyone, regardless of a person's race, color and creed. Abhorrent - causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred. Example: As I looked around the filthy...

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...Ben Jonson (1572–1637).  The Alchemist. The Harvard Classics.  1909–14. | | |  | |Introductory Note | |  | |  | |BEN JONSON was born of poor parents at Westminster in 1573. Through the influence of Camden, the antiquary, he got a good |  1| |education at Westminster School; but he does not seem to have gone to a University, though later both Oxford and Cambridge gave | | |him degrees. In his youth he practised for a time his stepfather’s trade of bricklaying, and he served as a soldier in Flanders. | | |  It was probably about 1595 that he began to write for the stage, and within a few years he was recognized as a distinguished |  2| |playwright. His comedy of “Every Man in His Humour” was not only a great immediate success, but founded a school of satirical | | |drama in England. “Sejanus” and “Catiline” were less popular, but are impressive pictures of Roman life, less interesting but more| | |accurate than the Roman plays of Shakespeare. ...

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Frasier Negotiation Case

...Rapport Management in Thai and Japanese Social Talk during Group discussions Ataya Aoki Abstract According to Hofstede’s (2003) often quoted survey, Japanese and Thai cultures rank high on the collectivist scale and both cultures attach the greatest importance to group harmony. Accordingly, we should see similar characteristics in Japanese and Thai speakers during discussions within their respective social groups. However, this is not the case. This paper examines social talk during the task-oriented interaction of Japanese and Thai speakers. The analysis focuses on how the speakers of Japanese and Thai present themselves and construct rapport in casual group talk. Using the concept of consciousness deployed in ‘idea units’ (Chafe, 1980, 1994) and some semantic considerations, I identify three major differences in rapport construction between Japanese and Thai speakers. First, Japanese participants prefer to build common ground through discussion of communal topics and through dealing with the comprehensiveness and the orderliness of the situation, whereas Thai participants incline toward individual-oriented topics and independent styles of talk. Second, the Japanese show a preference for using softening devices and conventionalized expressions in group discussion while the Thais tend to use intensifiers and spontaneous expressions to indicate involvement and create a friendly and fun atmosphere. Third, the Japanese like to demonstrate the minimization of self and the...

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65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 1

...BUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 APPLICATION SECOND EDITION E S S AY S APPLICATION BUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 ECSNS A IYI O N S SE O D ED T With Analysis by the Staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School Newspaper ST. MARTIN’S GRIFFIN NEW YORK 65 SUCCESSFUL HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION ESSAYS, SECOND EDITION. Copyright © 2009 byThe Harbus News Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For-information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. Library of Congress Data 65 successful Harvard Business -School application essays : with analysis by the staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School newspaper / Lauren Sullivan and the staff of The Harbus.-2nd ed. p.em. ISBN 978...0..312...55007...3 1. Business schools-United States-Admission. 2. Exposition (Rhetoric) 3. Essay-Authorship. 4. Business writing. 5. Harvard Business School. 1. Sullivan, Lauren. II. Harbus. III. Title: Sixty...five successful Harvard Business School application essays. HF1131.A1352009 808'.06665-dc22 2009012531 First Edition: August 2009 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS Acknowledgments Introduction ix xi I. Defining Moment Stacie Hogya Anonymous Anonymous David La Fiura Anonymous Avin Bansal Anonymous Brad Finkbeiner Anonymous 4 7 10 13 17 20 23 26 29 ii. UndergradUate experience John Coleman Maxwell Anderson...

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...111. PI.Is.III111.rsflllll M. Phenomenon Keirsey and Bates's Please Understand Me, first published in 1978, sold nearly 2 million copies in its first 20 years, becoming a perennial best seller ~ll ov~r ~he world. Advertised only by word of mouth, the book became a favo~te tralmng and counseling guide in many institutions-government, church, buslnes.s-and colleges across the nation adopted it as an auxiliary text in a dozen dIfferent departments. Why? Perhaps it was the user-friendly way that Please Understand Me helped people find their personality style. Perhaps it was the simple accuracy of Keirsey's portraits of temperament and character types. Or perhaps it was the book's essential messag~: that members of families and institutions are OK, even though they are fundamentally different from each other, and that they would all do well to appreciate their differences and give up trying to change others into copies of themselves. Now: P"IS' IllIIrstalllll H For the past twenty years Professor Keirsey has continued to investigate personality differences-to refine his theory of the four temperaments and to define the facets of character that distinguish one from another. His findings form the basis of Please Understand Me II, an updated and greatly expanded edition of the book, far more comprehensive and coherent than the original, and yet with much of the same easy accessibility. One major addition is Keirsey's view of how the temperaments differ in the intelligent roles they...

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Academic Writing

...people attended those three sessions, which were devoted primarily to a discussion of the points in §1 of this report. An exercise (§2) and a suggested solution (§3) were also part of the minicourse. The remaining 28 lectures covered these and other issues in depth. We saw many examples of “before” and “after” from manuscripts in progress. We learned how to avoid excessive subscripts and superscripts. We discussed the documentation of algorithms, computer programs, and user manuals. We considered the process of refereeing and editing. We studied how to make effective diagrams and tables, and how to find appropriate quotations to spice up a text. Some of the material duplicated some of what would be discussed in writing classes offered by the English department, but the vast majority of the lectures were devoted to issues that are specific to mathematics and/or computer science. Guest lectures by Herb Wilf (University of Pennsylvania), Jeff Ullman (Stanford), Leslie Lamport (Digital Equipment Corporation), Nils Nilsson (Stanford), Mary-Claire van Leunen (Digital Equipment Corporation), Rosalie Stemer (San Francisco Chronicle), and Paul Halmos (University of Santa Clara), were a special highlight as each of these outstanding authors presented their own perspectives on the problems of...

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Gay Language

...language and sexuality that incorporates insights from feminist, queer, and sociolinguistic theories to analyze sexuality as a broad sociocultural phenomenon. These intellectual approaches have shown that research on identity, sexual or otherwise, is most productive when the concept is understood as the outcome of intersubjectively negotiated practices and ideologies. To this end, an analytic framework for the semiotic study of social intersubjectivity is presented. (Sexuality, feminism, identity, desire, queer linguistics.)* I N T R O D U C T I O N Within the past decade the field of language and sexuality has emerged as an important area of research within sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, and socially oriented discourse analysis. To be sure, research on a wide variety of sexual topics had been conducted within disparate language-centered fields for at least 30 years, but such studies tended not to engage with broader theoretical concerns about sexuality. Instead,...

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...omission in this PDF, please check the original book and contact us so that we can fix the error or omission. Please check your local copyright laws before accessing this PDF. If you are serious about building your vocabulary, we highly recommend you try the popular vocabularybuilding program called Ultimate Vocabulary Want the ultimate vocabulary builder? Click www.write-better-english com/ultimate-vocabulary.aspx THE CENTURY VOCABULARY BUILDER BY GARLAND GREEVER AND JOSEPH M. BACHELOR NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. Want the ultimate vocabulary builder? Click www.write-better-english com/ultimate-vocabulary.aspx PREFACE You should know at the outset what this book does not attempt to do. It does not, save to the extent that its own special purpose requires, concern itself with the many and intricate problems of grammar, rhetoric, spelling, punctuation, and the like; or clarify the thousands of individual difficulties regarding correct usage. All these matters are important. Concise treatment of them may be found in THE CENTURY HANDBOOK OF WRITING and THE CENTURY DESK BOOK OF GOOD ENGLISH, both of which manuals are issued by the present publishers. But this volume confines itself to the one task of placing at your disposal the means of adding to your stock of words,...

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Clean Code

...Clean Code Robert C. Martin Series The mission of this series is to improve the state of the art of software craftsmanship. The books in this series are technical, pragmatic, and substantial. The authors are highly experienced craftsmen and professionals dedicated to writing about what actually works in practice, as opposed to what might work in theory. You will read about what the author has done, not what he thinks you should do. If the book is about programming, there will be lots of code. If the book is about managing, there will be lots of case studies from real projects. These are the books that all serious practitioners will have on their bookshelves. These are the books that will be remembered for making a difference and for guiding professionals to become true craftsman. Managing Agile Projects Sanjiv Augustine Agile Estimating and Planning Mike Cohn Working Effectively with Legacy Code Michael C. Feathers Agile Java™: Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development Jeff Langr Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# Robert C. Martin and Micah Martin Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices Robert C. Martin Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship Robert C. Martin UML For Java™ Programmers Robert C. Martin Fit for Developing Software: Framework for Integrated Tests Rick Mugridge and Ward Cunningham Agile Software Development with SCRUM Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle Extreme Software Engineering: A Hands on Approach Daniel H. Steinberg...

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Basic Mba

...BU Basic M.B.A. International Master of Business Administration |Index | Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Business Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Entrepreneurship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Marketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Strategic Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Words: 103642 - Pages: 415

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Windows 7

...English Contents ABOUT THIS BOOK ................................5 THE WORDS.............................................7 WORD ANALYSIS ...............................103 IDIOM AND USAGE ............................117 About This Book English offers perhaps the richest vocabulary of all languages, in part because its words are culled from so many languages. It is a shame that we do not tap this rich source more often in our daily conversation to express ourselves more clearly and precisely. There are of course thesauruses but they mainly list common words. Other vocabulary books list difficult, esoteric words that we quickly forget or feel self-conscious using. However, there is a bounty of choice words between the common and the esoteric that often seem be just on the tip of our tongue. Vocabulary 4000 brings these words to the fore. Whenever possible, one-word definitions are used. Although this makes a definition less precise, it also makes it easier to remember. Many common words appear in the list of words, but with their less common meanings. For example, the common meaning of champion is “winner.” A less common meaning for champion is to support or fight for someone else. (Think of the phrase “to champion a cause.”) This is the meaning that would be used in the list. As you read through the list of words, mark any that you do not know with a check mark. Then when you read through the list again, mark any that you do not remember with two checks. Continue in this...

Words: 30239 - Pages: 121