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A Report on Business Communication Method of Warren Buffett


Submitted By tazz
Words 4407
Pages 18
Course No: C-501
Course Name: Managerial Communication

A Report on Business Communication Method of
Warren Buffett

Prepared For:
Mr. Zahid Hassan Khan
Associate professor, Institute of Business Administration
University of Dhaka

Prepared By:
Md.Tazul Islam

Date of Submission: 11-12-2011

Executive Summary:
Warren Buffett is considered as one of the most successful investors of the market. A man who started his journey as an investor at the age of 13, continued to cross hurdles of his business carrier. It's annual report season, which includes announcements from the CEO and/or chairman of every public U.S. company. Given that Warren Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, is the most successful investor of all time, you might expect that a 23-page communication from him would be jargon-packed and over most people’s heads.
In actuality, Buffett's annual letter to shareholders is famously down-to-earth, conversational, and witty. Never mind for now the specific points he makes: how he communicates his message is a lesson for all of us.
Warren Buffett writes his letter to shareholders as a letter to his sisters - then crosses out "Dear Doris and Bertie" and replaces it with "To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway".

It’s not enough that Warren Buffett has become one of the richest men in the world. He’s also a world-class communicator – and nowhere does this gift go on public display more than in his annual letter to shareholders, to the CEOs and the public events that he attends like auction event, different functions. And all these activities offer terrific lessons for startup ventures in shaping their communications.
Lesson No. 1: One Must Converse Like a Real Human Being
There’s something about a position of power that often causes perfectly normal executives to embrace “corporate speak.” Their communications

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