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Submitted By ladielayell
Words 1361
Pages 6
Attendance Policy Change Staff shortages are a problem in all health care organizations. In the organization this paper will be referring to absenteeism has been an ongoing problem for quite some time. There is a noted increase in staff absence on weekends; this directly affects staff morale and patient care. Staff calls out for many reasons to include illness, family emergencies, car trouble, and many others that they do not explain. The current policy does not provide any reward for those who do not call out and does not offer any repercussions for those who do. The normal staff to patient ratio is 15 to 1 for nursing assistants and 10 to 1 for nurses. When staff do not come to work as they are scheduled that ratio can go up exponentially. When these shortages occur the risk for injury to staff as well as residents increases as well as staff burnout. The organization currently has no plan in place to deal with staffing shortages. The company has labor pool staff that staff 41 buildings so they are not always available when one building has a last-minute need. The organization is large with a defined corporate structure that must approve all policy change and with corporate existing in a separate building getting their approval will require getting their understanding of the problem. The staff initially will resist the change because it will mean that if they call out on the weekend they will be required to make up that shift and at first they will only see how this affects them when they have to make up a shift. Another barrier to the change will the cultural barrier as they are currently frozen in the way things are being done. If someone calls out the supervisors pull staff members from a different area making both departments short of staff the new system will help to discourage call outs helping to decrease staff shortages and

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