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Accounting Data


Submitted By maolulu
Words 2911
Pages 12

Analysis of financial statement 525
Semester 2 2013

Individual Assignment

Student Name: Lihan Ye
Student Number: 16030886

Part 1
History of Patties foods
Patties Foods, whose former name is Patties Bakery, now is the largest pie supplier in Australia. It was founded by the Rijs Family who are the immigrants from Holland in 1966. Today’s Patties Foods is based in Bairnsdale, own 7 famous brands, including Patties, Patties Gluten Free, Four’N twenty, Nanna’s, Herbert Adams, Creative Gormet and Chefs Pride.
Patties’ major activities
Patties is a brand for party foods. They are small pies and children love them. The Patties Gluten Free brand is designed for people who has dietary requirement or people follow the Gluten Free diet. Patties Gluten Free guarantee its product being high quality and nutritive. Four’N Twenty is a very famous brand in Australia, for their meat pies, pasties and sausage rolls. Nanna’s is also a brand for fruit pies. And for Herbert Adams, it is a brand for its beef pies, pasties and rolls. Creative Gourment is a brand for frozen fruit, berries and desserts. Chefs Pride, it contain a lot of categories, such as IQF fruit, Fruit Coulis, French Crepes and Chocolate Dessert Cups. They are delicate. All in all, the majority of Patties’ product is packaged freezing food, which is available from Coles and Woolworths Supermarket nationally,

Internet security is a catch-all term for a very broad issue covering security for transactions made over the Internet. Generally, Internet security encompasses browser security, the security of data entered through a web form, and overall authentication and protection of data sent via Internet protocol (Techopedia 2013). In order to maintain the Internet security, there are two types of measures, which are physical security and logical security.
Physical security are

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