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Acne Scars


Submitted By justinkm
Words 599
Pages 3
Dermabrasion is a treatment where a plastic surgeon works on your skin using some special instrument aiming at the growth of a smoother skin to replace the one affected by acne.
Microdermabrasion uses crystals. The crystals remove your skin’s outer layer. It is suitable for problems like brown and age spots.
Cystic acne is a very severe acne form. It causes breakouts that are deep as well as inflamed. The use of oral antibiotics, isotretinoin and contraceptives taken orally mostly for women is a treatment for cystic acne.
Blue light treatment of acne is a treatment that uses light which is blue to kill bacteria that cause acne found either on or under the skin.
Carrots and their juice normally give plenty of vitamins A. Vitamin A has effects like those of retinoid drugs commonly used for treatment of acne. Leafy greens such as kale and spinach are a rich source of beta-carotene. Whole grains have high nutritional benefit and an impact that is positive on sugar levels in your blood. High sugar levels in the blood worsen acne.
In order to get rid of dark spots, apply juice obtained from citrus fruits including that from lemon, orange, pineapple, tomato and red currant.
You can also apply a mixture of cream, honey and sour milk.
A mixture of one spoon of juice from onions and two spoonfuls of honey applied on the face and left for 15 minutes also works.
Primrose oil provides one’s body with fatty acids which women lack in case of hormone imbalance. It makes the skin smooth and soft. The oil has side effects that are few.
Among foods that help fight acne include: foods with high content of water,those with low sodium, those rich in vitamins A, E or C, those rich in magnesium, those with high selenium content, those rich in omega three among others.
Acne face mask is the best solution that is natural when it comes to the control of acne. It helps pull out those blackheads from your skin. There are commercial face masks. you can also make one at home.
An appropriate face mask is sulfur-based one. Sulfur as a product is both safe and natural. It reduces inflammation as well as removing bacteria.
Acne medication includes various products which deserve usage with great care as some drugs cause unwanted side effects.
Acne medicines taken orally need strict medical supervision.
Some of acne medications’ side effects include: body weight change, libido changes, tiredness, breast tenderness, mood swings among others.
Acne requires fast cure to prevent scars.
Some tips on how to cure acne fast include: proper care for the skin, increasing your water consumption, avoid prodding or poking acne pimples with dirty hands, avoid make up particularly the ones that involve oil.
In order to cure your acne, the following tips will make you notice some difference in roughly 4 weeks.
Application of honey mask to the face two times in a week works.
Washing your face two times in a day with acne soap that is sulfur based is helpful as well.
If your hair is long, keep it off the face. You can also take potential sources of multi-vitamin. You should also eat carrots so that you experience sufficient supply of beta-carotene.
In order to prevent acne scarring, the following are important.
Prevention of acne is essential as acne leaves scars. You should talk to a physician on the best measure of acne's prevention.
Second , you should avoid tampering with acne pimples.
Thirdly, fix acne pimples before they are fully formed.

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