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Acts of the Apostles


Submitted By CarlaS
Words 491
Pages 2
The book of Acts is part of the work that began with the reading according to Luke.“In the first book Theophilus, Paul wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning until the day he was taken up to heaven”. The book of acts was intended as a letter of the early church, and it is the most valuable history we have of the Christians. However everyone misinterprets the book of acts, either in terms of its religion or faith Christians rather prefer being around there own environment to keep the history of the church going on and on. Jesus last known words have been said to warm the hearts of many people; you will be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, and unto the farthest part of the earth. The Book of Acts was written by one of the twelve apostles and it is the teaching of men and women who took their religion seriously and began to open up the news of a risen Savior to the world. Each part of the book looks on a particular group, how people live, and a difficult time in the expansion of the gospel message.
The first thing that Peter had to do, since he was appointed the leader of the apostles, was to elect someone else that is worthy even to teach the word of God to the people since Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus while he was yet on earth. So therefore Peter chose Matthias to be the twelfth apostle of God. While in Jerusalem, Peter delivers a sermon giving explanation of the miracle that was being performed at that time. The end of the Acts in Rome foretold that eventual mishap would come about in the church and city. Acts is the reading of the church’s ways of turning away from Jerusalem and towards the truth. Acts is filled with situations and problems, but there were certain connections that all the Apostles are the church’s move to fix, that was driven by Paul. It was in that that moment of fixing the problems of the church that a move towards Christianity became its own distinct religion. Jesus and his followers consider themselves the people of God, and Jesus’ message and teachings are the fulfillment of life. It is certain from the chapters of Acts that, in the years after Jesus’ ascension, the apostles continued to consider themselves the people of God. God had two chosen people which are Peter and John, were on their way to worship when they come upon the handicap, “You are the descendents of the prophets,” Peter tells the people of God, “and of the covenant that God gave to your ancestors. . . . When God rose up his servant [Jesus], he sent him first to you.”

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