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New Test Context


Submitted By Jazzbass005
Words 907
Pages 4
New Testament Context Chart

Author: Matthew the apostle
Intended Audience: Jews / Jewish Christians
It was written to prove that Jesus was the Messiah, and that he was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. It tells the story of the life and works of Jesus.
Author: John Mark
Intended Audience: The Romans
It is believed to have been written to encourage Christians to persevere through persecution led by the Roman emperor, Nero. Also written to preserve Peter’s account of the life and teachings of Jesus
Author: Luke
Intended Audience: Greek and Gentile Christians, also directly addressed a person named Theophilus. His importance is unknown, but believed to be a non-Christian and highly regarded Roman.
Luke desired to give his audience a clear and coherent understanding of the teachings and works of Jesus through an organized account of Jesus life through eye-witness accounts. Luke often explained Jewish customs and sometimes substituted Greek words for Hebrew.
Author: John, the apostle
Intended Audience: Non-Jewish believers and unbelievers who were struggling with the acceptance of Greek philosophies.
John’s primary purpose for his writing is stated in chapter 20 verse 31, “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” It is most likely a compilation of the oral traditions and theology of the apostle John that became published by a companion after his death.
Author: Luke
Intended Audience: Addressed again to Theophilus, but intended for all believers
It contained a historical account to of the origins of Christianity. The book of Acts also helps to bridge the divide between the Gospel narrative and the letters to the church.

Author: Paul the apostle
Intended Audience: Gentile church in Rome
The book was written with an emphasis on the sinful nature of man and God’s plan to

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