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Submitted By ashiabane
Words 672
Pages 3
Adaptability Although people have the evolutionary ability to adapt to sudden disturbances in their everyday routines, change is not something most people find themselves embracing, unless they themselves are the ones starting it. Adaptability is defined as one adapts or fit himself or herself with others, whatever their environment is; adaptability develops as we grow. The world is set in motion, with a large number of changes constantly happening with each passing moment, and as denizens of the biosphere, we are contributing to that change as well. Somewhere right now, strangers are meeting each other for first time, exchanging pleasantries and deciding whether or not the connection they have both just made will last lifetime or for a brief instance. The words themselves that people exchange with one another incite situations that they must adapt to. Person A touches on a sensitive subject that Person B hold strong convictions towards. Adaptability does not require any specific amount of time in order to take place, which this brief hypothetical instance demonstrates. Persons A is faced with a number of decisions to choose from now: continue to speak on the matter and arouse Person B’s convictions, for better or for worse, leave it be and change the subject to avoid confrontation, or simply just walk away right that very second and awkwardly sever any future contact. In our society, the most important kind of adaptability in order to cultivate success in life is being able to adjust to the current social situation and detecting social cues when interacting with others; exemplified by my hypothetical situation regarding whether or not Person A should make a choice leaning towards further contact with Person B, or severing. As for a more realistic example of adaptability that is constantly demonstrated in today’s world, imagine an aspiring entrepreneur. He has a

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